Ginger (Justa Lotta Money)

Hi...  Ginger, here...     Isn't that a cute hand touching and loving me...

Yes...   Yes...    That's one of my best friends.  She cares for me a lot.
But sometimes, She gets on top of me,   and watch out...
Do we ever go for a roll...   That is..  We roll around barrels !!

That's one of my favorite activities you know !!

 if somehow you got here without seeing my other page, click now to go there !

That page, by the way, (trying to be humble) is exclusively mine ! 

It's cold outside, but it's warm inside because I am near her....

This is me, very very happy, with the love of my life !! 


Hi,  this is my crew of friends.  I love them all, too ! 

This is called double exposure --  They keep me company.  We like each other a lot. 


I do not know who this person is, or how this picture got on MY website !    Oh well ...

She sure has pretty hair though...  Actually....  It's even prettier than mine...  Oh well ...

 Go to our sponsor's Website on the Best Massage Tools around !

 Hay ! Go see the pictures of my friends who I horse around with !

 I have a lot of other animal friends ! Go visit them now !

 Go look at my 2 regular riders !

 Now... go to the website that shows you what I like to do best !!

Last Updated:4/13/11