relax wood saunas of momentum98
Last Updated: 10/22/16
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Relax Sauna

Inflammation releif testimonials





Feel the Difference of the Relax Sauna

Lauren said that, having been in the sauna for seven minutes, she felt her muscles loosen up and then, when she put her head in the sauna, her sinuses cleared up some.  She said that she did sweat some but that it was not an uncomfortable sweat like in a normal sauna, rather that she felt heated to the bone, to the core, a kind of heat that feels really good.

She does carpal tunnel coaching and thinks that it would be a great product for people with carpal tunnel syndrome.  She thinks that would release a lot of tension in the muscles, which would also reduce some of the of inflammation which is causing pressure on the median nerve.  She also thinks that it would be really quick.  Sitting in the sauna she feels it through her skin, through her muscles, all the way in to the bones.  In a regular sauna, she says that she does not feel this, that she feels uncomfortable just sweating and that her head feels uncomfortable.  She says that her head does not feel uncomfortable in this sauna.  “I am a happy camper. I could take this camping with me.”  She is at the Florida State Massage therapy Show and has been a massage therapist for 10 years.  She thinks that it would be good for her clients and that it would loosen them up

Kombucha Bob Video

Kombucha Bob describes his rather amazing experiences of using the Relax Sauna for over 5 years. Bob says he starts his magnificent day with Relax Sauna. "You can't live without it.  It puts you in a level just below Heaven.”  He had known about the saunas for a bout five years before he purchased one. He understood that it would help with the swelling and pain in his legs and his skin problems.  He feels that after 18 to 20 minutes in the sauna that it wipes out the day’s stress and turmoil.  “I am a full believer and I explain that to people. Everyone should have one.”  He uses it first thing in the morning, before a large glass of very clean water and appreciates the cleansing effect.  “The skin diseases have disappeared.”  

He then takes a shower and start his day feeling like he doesn't have a problem in the world.  He then has a large bottle of Kombucha, with some very good green powders and feels illuminated after exposure to the sauna and his drink.  He recommends wearing underpants and sitting on a towel or two just to have something to absorb the sweat.  He finds that when he does not use it that he feels nervous and misses the healing effects.  He says that it has eliminated skin problems and rashes and that it makes his body more limber.  His chiropractor and his acupuncturist can attest to that, saying that his body is more limber.  He finds that it gives him more zest for life and eliminates bad and ill feelings from previous days.  “You get up and you're starting a bright brand-new day.





No stiffness or inflammation in back after 5 minutes - Atalie & Tara

Atalie expected just to feel good by getting into the Relax Sauna, based on the recommendations of a couple of friends who had earlier tried the Relax Sauna and who said they felt amazing. But she also felt stuff flowing and found the Sauna VERY relaxing. “I could have stayed in there for a very long time!”

Tara had been experiencing a lot of stiffness and inflammation in her lower lumbar region, and then after 5 minutes noticed a draining feeing and now says she feels wonderful.  She felt  rejuvenated enough to go listen to a 2 hour talk that she had been dreading, since she would have to sit in one spot for two hours.  Now she feels she can do it.  “I’m ecstatic!”


Relax Sauna Owner / Athlete Review / We Use it Every Day! - IT'S MY FAVORITE

Shana and her boyfriend, Dr. Gonzalas, got a Relax sauna about two years ago and have been using it ever since.  She is a performance athlete.  She does marathons, endurance races, heavy weightlifting and athletics. “I cannot live a day without this machine.”  She uses it about 30 to 40 minutes a day and it makes her calm, balanced and relaxed. She finds that on the days that she does not use the sauna she is not in the same level of health as she is on the days that she does use it.  She notices that on the days that she does not use it that she does not sleep as well and her mood is not as elevated and she just generally does not feel as good as on the days when she does use it.  “I love this machine.”  

Living in downtown L.A., they have their sauna in the living room in a beautiful corner in front of the window overlooking the northern Los Angeles mountains.  It's really nice being able to have her head out because in the mornings she can watch the sunrise and, when in addition to that the fire is going in the fireplace, it is just so calming and relaxing.  “I love it.”

On days that she's feeling really sore, like post-marathon, or pre-marathon even, she gets in the sauna for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Then she gets out and takes a freezing cold shower for no longer than a minute.  Then she gets back into the sauna for another 10 to 15 minutes to elevate her temperature once again. Then she gets out and does another one minute freezing shower.  She gets in one more time for another 10 to 15 minutes and then takes a nice long cold shower when she gets out.

She finds that the Relax sauna is one of the few saunas is that can  penetrate deeply enough to actually breakup cellulite and release toxins, detoxing your blood, your organs, everything. She recommends the Relax sauna  to everyone.

She has been using saunas for about 13 years and says that the Relax sauna is, hands-down, her favorite.  Even if she goes to a Korean bathhouse she does the Relax sauna first because she knows that 80% more toxins are released in the sweat.  With the regular saunas, the sweat is about 80% pure water.

She finds that her athletic performance is greatly improved when she uses the sauna because her muscles are very well conditioned and are not rock hard. They are soft because there are no toxins building up in her muscles.  She also has no cellulite.  Because the sauna is infrared, it is inflammation reducing, so if the muscle gets irritated or inflamed it's okay because she knows that in about 30 minutes it will be okay again, after she has used the sauna.  She says it helps her recover so quick!






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