Aerobic Life Products - Oxygen therapeutic health products - aerobic 07 -stabilized oxygen - Lamar Oxygen Therapy - hydrogen peroxide alternatives - vitamin O  - dioxychlor - ABC Bulk Cleanse - ABC max
Last Updated: 4/8/11
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Aerobic O7

Stabilized Dietary Oxygen Supplement 

ALP05 - 30ml
ALP04 - 70ml

What is Aerobic O7?
Aerobic O7 is a dietary supplement.
Aerobic O7 is a liquid solution of stabilized oxygen with buffers and electrolytes.

How Does Aerobic O7 Work?
When Aerobic O7 comes in contact with an acidic environment, such as stomach acids, it releases nascent oxygen (single atoms of oxygen).

What are the By-Products of Aerobic O7?

Small quantities of sodium chloride (a few PPM) and nascent oxygen. The by-products of Aerobic O7 are non-harmful and non-toxic.

Considerations About Stabilized Oxygen

When considering an oxygen product, there are, no doubt, many health supplements from which to choose. Things to consider when looking for a high quality oxygen supplement:

Higher Parts-Per-Million (PPM) does not mean that the product is better. Too much oxygen can cause over-oxidation within the body. As a result, cells can become damaged, resulting in premature aging.

Aerobic O7 was formulated with these concerns in mind. It contains a moderate level of oxygen. When taken as directed, there is enough oxygen to provide a benefit to the user, but not to cause over-oxidation within the body.

In order to provide a stable environment for oxygen, the oxygen atoms must be bound to a stabilizing compound. It is important to choose an oxygen product that has stabilizers that provide a stable environment and allow for a controlled release of oxygen.

Antioxidants should be taken in conjunction with any oxygen supplementation. If a person is deficient in antioxidants, even oxygen from the air we breathe can accelerate aging and cellular damage. Nascent oxygen is even more aggressive than atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, it is important when anyone takes an oxygen supplement to also take antioxidants. This will ensure that the cells will be properly protected.

- Consult your health care practitioner when beginning to take this or any dietary supplement.
- Take this product only as directed.
- Do not consume in undiluted form.
- If the undiluted product comes in contact with skin, flush with water immediately. A mild to moderate skin irritation may occur due to alkaline pH. Alkalinity may be neutralized with lemon juice. If symptoms do not subside or continue to worsen, seek medical attention.
- In case of eye contact, flush with water immediately. If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight.

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Aerobic KO7 Discontinued

ALP52 - Aerobic KO7 - 70ml

What is Aerobic KO7?
Aerobic KO7 is a dietary supplement.
Aerobic KO7 is a liquid solution of stabilized oxygen with buffers and electrolytes.

How Does Aerobic KO7 Work?
When Aerobic KO7 comes in contact with an acidic environment, such as stomach acids, it releases nascent oxygen (single atoms of oxygen).

What are the By-Products of Aerobic KO7?
Small quantities of potassium chloride (a few PPM) and nascent oxygen. The by-products of Aerobic KO7 are non-harmful and non-toxic.

Considerations About Stabilized Oxygen
When considering an oxygen product, there are, no doubt, many health supplements from which to choose. Things to consider when looking for a high quality oxygen supplement:

Higher Parts-Per-Million (PPM) does not mean that the product is better. Too much oxygen can cause over-oxidation within the body. As a result, cells can become damaged, resulting in premature aging. Aerobic KO7 was formulated with these concerns in mind. It contains a moderate level of oxygen. When taken as directed, there is enough oxygen to provide a benefit to the user, but not to cause over-oxidation within the body.

In order to provide a stable environment for oxygen, the oxygen atoms must be bound to a stabilizing compound. It is important to choose an oxygen product that has stabilizers that provide a stable environment and allow for a controlled release of oxygen.

Antioxidants should be taken in conjunction with any oxygen supplementation. If a person is deficient in antioxidants, even oxygen from the air we breathe can accelerate aging and cellular damage. Nascent oxygen is even more aggressive than atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, it is important when anyone takes an oxygen supplement to also take antioxidants. This will ensure that the cells will be properly protected.


Consult your health care practitioner when beginning to take this or any dietary supplement.
Take this product only as directed.

Do not consume in undiluted form.

If the undiluted product comes in contact with skin, flush with water immediately.
A mild to moderate skin irritation may occur due to alkaline pH.
Alkalinity may be neutralized with lemon juice.
If symptoms do not subside or continue to worsen, seek medical attention.

In case of eye contact, flush with water immediately.
If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention.

Keep out of reach of children.

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight

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Aerobic Bulk Cleanse (ABC)
 See below for description of use

ALP13 - ABC - 12oz

Psyllium seed husk (highest grade bulk fiber) combination which includes:  hibiscus flower, licorice root, fenugreek seed, pau d'arco bark, & hyssop leaf. When taken with the aloe vera juice, the ABC goes right to the GI tract to moisten and stretch the intestinal walls. Hardened fecal matter, mucus strands, and coal-black rubbery matter you may have in the folds of the colon wall will be pushed out naturally. Used for over 15 years, ABC is a natural non-habit forming bulk cleanse.

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Aerobic Bulk Cleanse MAX

ABC MAX Colon Cleanse

- Bulk Cleanse -12oz
- Caps - 90 Caps

The ABC Max Bulk Cleanse and the ABC Max Herbal Cleanse were initially designed to be used together as the 45-Day Colon Cleanse Kit, but they can be used independent of one another. Each product will provide enormous benefits on its own. Note the benefits of each of the herbs contained in the products. Used together in the Kit, the two products complement one other. The ABC Max Bulk Cleanse works to break up hardened fecal matter and rid the body of harmful bacteria that has built up in the digestive tract. It also contains a number of herbs which aid the body in cleaning the blood and the lymph system by flushing out the toxins.

ABC MAX Bulk Cleanse Ingredients:
PSYLLIUM HUSK: A bulk cleanser.

ONION: Expectorant, diuretic, carminative, and spasm preventative.

DANDELION ROOT: Diuretic, tonic, antiheumatic.

LICORICE: Tissue soothing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and prevents cough.

SPIRULINA: The perfect food! Provides an abundance of nutrients, protein and chlorophyll.

CLOVES: Stimulant, aromatic, carminative, nausea preventative, antiseptic.

BLACK WALNUT HULLS: Expels worms and parasites, promotes healing of sores in mouth and throat.

GARLIC: Antibiotic, expectorant, diaphoretic, lowers blood pressure, prevents certain blood disorders (thrombi), antidiabetic.

YELLOW DOCK: Used as mild laxative and aids in treatment of some skin diseases.

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Ozonated Magnesium Compound
ALP54 - 90 caps
ALP55 - 180 caps
ALP59 - 150 grams

MAG O7 is a specially formulated magnesium based compound which has
been ozonated and stabilized to release nascent oxygen when it reacts with citric acid. MAG O7 helps rid the digestive tract of unwanted fecal debris while slowly releasing beneficial nascent oxygen which targets harmful anaerobic bacteria and other toxic materials. MAG O7 is non-habit forming.

MAG O7 - The ultimate oxygenating colon cleanser
Ingredients in 150 gram container: complex oxides of magnesium
Directions for the 150 gram jar: as a dietary supplement, mix 1/2 to 3 level teaspoons with 8 oz of water. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and drink promptly. Daily dosage will vary depending on intended purpose.

Ingredients in 90 caps & 180 caps bottles: (per capsule) complex oxides of magnesium, 600mg citric acid.

Directions for 90 & 180 capsule bottles: as a dietary supplement, take 2 to 4 capsules 3 times daily on an empty stomach (more or less as needed). Daily dosage will vary depending on individual and intended purpose. Results may vary per individual.
Higher quantities may have a saline laxative effect.

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Aerobic Heart Formula Discontinued

APL57 - Aerobic Heart Formula Discontinued
30 packets - each packet contains 3 tablets, 2 soft gels, and 1 capsule.

Aerobic Heart Formula can aid in:
Lowering Homosysteine Levels
Lowering Cholesterol
Improving Circulation
Reducing Plaques

Ingredients per packet:
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 2.1 mg Trimethylglycine
500 mg
Niacin (as Niacin 50% and Niacinamide 50%)  20 mg Acetyl L-Carnatine 200 mg
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine) 25 mg Choline Bitartrate 100 mg
Folic acid 500 mcg Inositol 200 mg
Vit B12 (as Cyanocobalamine) 400 mcg L-Taurine 100 mg
Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 909 mg Grape Seed Extract 95% 25 mg
Magnesium (as glycinate) 80 mg Coenzyme Q10 40 mg
Zinc (as monomethionate) 7.5 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg
Selenium (as yeast) 50 mcg Green Tea 150 mg
Vitamin E 400 mg    
Copper (as glycinate) 500 mcg    

~ Now containing l000 mg salmon oil, 300 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA ~

Other ingredients: silicon dioxide, cellulose, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium

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China Gold Discontinued

ALP35 - CHINA GOLD - 32 fl.oz Discontinued

China Gold Contents:
(Descriptions from Chinese Herbal Texts)
RED KIRIN GINSENG: Tonifies the lungs and benefits the cardiovascular system. Strengthens the spleen and tonifies the stomach. Benefits the mind and generates fluids. Calms the spirit.

TIENCHI GINSENG: Stops bleeding and transforms congealed blood. Reduces swelling and alleviates pain.

PRINCE GINSENG: Strengthens the spleen and generates fluids.

TAN SHEN GINSENG: Tonifies the heart and benefits the immune system. Tonifies the lungs. Nourishes fluids.

SHIU CHU GINSENG: Same species as Red Kirin Ginseng, but of a higher grade.

ADENOPHORIA GINSENG: Clears heat and expels phlegm from the lungs. Nourishes the stomach.

AMERICAN GINSENG: Generates fluids, and nourishes the body. Raises alertness.

POLYGONUM GINSENG: Tonifies the liver and kidneys, nourishes blood, and benefits the essence. Used for deficient blood patterns with such signs of dizziness, blurred vision, prematurely gray hair, weak lower back and knees, and insomnia.

SALVIA GINSENG: Invigorates the blood and breaks up congealed blood. Clears heat and soothes irritability.

SCROPHULARIA GINSENG: Clears heat and cools blood. Quells fire and detoxifies fire poison.

ASTRAGALUS ROOT: Tonifies the spleen. Raises the functioning level of the spleen and stomach. Stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating. Promotes the discharge of pus and promotes healing. Promotes urination and removes edema. Tonifies blood.

DIOSCORIA ROOT: Tonifies and benefits the spleen and stomach. Benefits the lungs and nourishes the kidneys.

PAI SHU ROOT: Tonifies the spleen and benefits the Qi. Strengthens the spleen and dries dampness. Stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating.

GINGER ROOT: Warms the middle and expels cold. Rescues from fatigue and expels interior cold. Warms the lungs and transforms phlegm. Warms channels and stops bleeding.

LICORICE ROOT: Tonifies the spleen. Moistens lungs and stops coughing. Clears heat and detoxifies fire poison. Moderates and harmonizes the characteristics of other herbs. Soothes spasms.

SAND ROOT: Moistens lungs and alleviates coughs. Nourishes the stomach, generates fluids and clears heat. Moistens exterior.

SAUSSUREA ROOT: Alleviates pain. Adjusts and regulates stagnant intestines. Strengthens the spleen.

PEONY ROOT: Nourishes blood. Pacifies the liver and alleviates pain. Adjusts the nutritive and protective levels.

LIGUSTICUM ROOT: Invigorates the blood and promotes the circulation of the cardiovascular system. Expels wind and alleviates pain.

POLYGALA ROOT: Calms the spirit and facilitates the flow of the heart. Expels phlegm and clears the orifices. Expels phlegm from the lungs.

ANGELICA ROOT: Tonifies the blood and regulates the menses. Invigorates and harmonizes the blood. Moistens the intestines and moves stool.

EUCOMMIUM BARK: Tonifies the liver and kidneys, strengthens the sinews and bones. Aids in the smooth flow of Qi and blood. Pacifies the fetus and calms the womb.

MOUTAN BARK: Clears heat and cools blood. Clears deficiency fire. Invigorates the blood and dispels congealed blood. Clears ascending liver fire. Drains pus and reduces swelling.

PORIA COCOS MUSHROOM: Promotes urination and leeches out dampness. Strengthens the spleen and harmonizes the middle burner. Quiets the heart and calms the spirit.

GANODERMA LUCIDUM: Nourishes the immune system, gastrointestinal system, and circulatory system.

FLOS CHRYSANTHEMI: Disperses wind and clears heart. Clears the liver and brightens the eyes. Pacifies the liver and extinguishes wind.

FLOS MAGNOLIAE: Expels wind and opens the nasal passages.

TUBER ASPARAGI: Nourishes the Yin and clears heat. Moistens the lungs and nourishes the kidneys.

CORNI FRUIT: Stabilizes the kidneys and contains the essence. Stabilizes the senses and stops bleeding. Stops excessive sweating.

SCHIZANDRA FRUIT: Contains the leakage of Lung and stops coughing. Restrains the essence and stops diarrhea. Stops excessive sweating.

LYCII FRUIT: Nourishes and tonifies the liver and kidneys. Benefits the essence and brightens the eyes.

LONGAN FRUIT: Tonifies the heart and spleen, nourishes the blood, calms the spirit.

JUJUBE SEED: Nourishes the heart and calms the spirit. Moistens the intestines.

CITRIS PEEL: Strengthens the spleen. Helps prevent stagnation.

SUCCINUM: Sedates and calms the spirit. Reduces swelling and promotes healing.

CEDAR SEED: Anti-inflammatory.

Desert Delight Aloe Vera
ALP01 - 32 fl.oz
ALP012 - 1 gallon

ALP53 - 30 GELS

When you consider all the nutrients found naturally in Aloe Vera, it's easy to understand why it's as good for you inside as you've known it to be for your skin and hair:
Vitamins And Minerals Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Beta Carotene
Folic Acid
Amino Acids
Aspartic Acids
Glutamic Acid
Desert Delight Aloe Vera Juice is Certified Organic, painstakingly hand filleted and cold processed to ensure you only receive the best juice possible. Just enough Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is added to kill any bacteria that would cause spoilage, preserving this miraculous juice in its most beneficial state.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find the time for a healthy lifestyle amidst all of the hustle and bustle of daily demands. Many of us are looking for the least time-consuming and simplest way to maintain a balance in our lives--including proper health maintenance and prevention.
NOW... Consumers can get all of the healing benefits of Aloe Vera in the convenience of a capsule!!!
Just pop the top and enjoy the limitless uses of our Aloe Capsules. Aerobic Life's Aloe Capsules can be taken internally or can be used to form a topical gel. Case size--12 bottles of 30 count 600 mg. capsules.
Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years as a natural healing agent and as we all know... HISTORY DOES NOT LIE.
We however want to make it a little more convenient than it has been in the past. The Desert Delight Aloe Capsules are made from the finest Aloe Vera which is 100% Certified Organic. Our Aloe Capsules can be used alone as an aid in digestion, as a healing agent for digestive problems, or for the healing of skin abrasions and irritations. Our Aloe Capsules can also be used with the Aerobic 10-Day Colon Cleanse Kit in place of the Aloe Vera Juice-- Reduce the freight costs.
Improve taste-For those not accustomed to the taste of liquid aloe vera or simply do not like the taste or consistency.
Improve convenience-For those on the go who do not have the time to drink a full glass of aloe juice or those who want to carry aloe with them-just in case. Because we all know--Accidents do happen. Carry a few capsules in your purse or bag.

Aerobic Life 10 Day
Colon Cleanse Kit
ALP300 - 4 Bottles
ALP301 - 3 Bottles
1 - (12 oz) ABC Bulk Cleanse - ALP13
1 - (90 count) MAG O7 - ALP54
2 - (32 oz) Aloe Vera Juices - ALP01
1 - (12 oz) ABC Bulk Cleanse - ALP13
1 - (90 count) MAG O7- ALP54
1 - (30 count) Aloe Vera Soft gels - ALP53

Aloe Vera Juice - Cold processed from hand- filtered certified organic aloe vera. No aloin or bitter taste! Contains no additives or preservatives to maintain the natural benefits of the plant.
(optional: bottle of 30 caps of powdered Aloe Vera soft gels to be used in place of the Aloe Vera Juice liquid - the same nutritional benefits.)

MAG O7 - is a specially formulated magnesium based compound which has been ozonated and stabilized to release nascent oxygen when it reacts with citric acid. MAG O7 helps rid the digestive tract of unwanted fecal debris while slowly releasing beneficial nascent oxygen which targets harmful anaerobic bacteria and other toxic materials. MAG O7 is non-habit forming.

Aerobic Bulk Cleanse - Psyllium seed husk (highest grade bulk fiber) combination which includes:  hibiscus flower, licorice root, fenugreek seed, pau d'arco bark, & hyssop leaf.

When taken with the aloe vera juice, the ABC goes right to the GI tract to moisten and stretch the intestinal walls. Hardened fecal matter, mucus strands, and coal-black rubbery matter you may have in the folds of the colon wall will be pushed out naturally. Used for over 15 years, ABC is a natural non-habit forming bulk cleanse.

Information on the herbs mentioned above:
Hibiscus Flower  - (from China) Soothing effect on mucous membranes.
Licorice Root
- (from China) Anti-inflammatory and expectorant, prevents cough, soothes irritation.
Fenugreek Seed
- (from India) Relieves gas pains, aids in the balance of blood sugar levels.
Pau D'Arco Bark
- (from Brazil) Antibacterial agent, expels worms and other parasites.
Hyssop Leaf
- (from Eastern Europe) soothes tissues, breaks up hardened mucous, mild sedative.
Yellow Dock Root
- (from India) Mild laxative, tonic, alterative and used against certain skin diseases.
- Promotes proper stomach function, fights nausea, prevents spasm, and is a mild sedative.
White Oak Bark
- Used as an astringent (stops bleeding), effective against hemorrhoids and fever sores.
Flax Seed Oil -
Effective against colon problems and used as an anti-inflammatory.
Golden Seal Root
- Tonic, mild laxative, helps stop bleeding, anti-inflammatory.

Ten Day Cleanse Kit Directions:

*It is recommended to take MAG O7 for three nights prior to the cleanse as an effective pre-cleanse.
* On an empty stomach at bedtime take 3-5 MAG O7 capsules with 8 oz of water for the three consecutive nights before the cleanse.

*It is recommended to drink 64 oz of water through the day.
* Breakfast & Lunch: One hour before or after your meal mix the following in a large glass:
1 level tbsp of ABC Bulk Cleanse, 3 oz Aloe Vera Juice, and 6-8 oz water.
Mix well and drink immediately. Follow with an additional 8 oz glass of water.
After Dinner:
2-3 hours after your last meal of the day take 3-5 MAG O7 capsules with an 8 oz glass of water (on an empty stomach). 

ALP300 & ALP301 - Aerobic Life 10 Day Colon Cleanse

Hydrogen Peroxide
Made From Food Grade H2O2

Hydrogen Peroxide is produced as a bath solution - it is recommended that you use 4 - 8 oz of in your bath. It can take off a lot of the dead skin, and can also act as a catalyst to oxygenate your body. There are many other uses of Hydrogen Peroxide, including: disinfectant, solvent, cleaner, plant energizer. We include a six page pamphlet on the many uses of Hydrogen Peroxide with each order.

We have available pint, quart and gallon bottles of 7% (diluted from 35% with Reverse Osmosis water) and 35% Hydrogen Peroxide (bottled from Food Grade Peroxide).

Must be diluted before using !
To make a 3% solution, use 1 oz 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to 11 oz of distilled (or reverse osmosis) water

7% Hydrogen Peroxide
We Can Only Ship 7% Peroxide
OXY077 - 16 oz 7% Hydrogen Peroxide - $6.95
OXY087 - 32 oz 7% Hydrogen Peroxide - $12.95
OXY097 - 128 oz  (1 gallon) 7% Hydrogen Peroxide - $39.95

35% Hydrogen Peroxide
We Cannot Ship 35% Peroxide!

It must be picked up in our store.
OXY07 - 16 oz 35% Hydrogen Peroxide - $20.00
OXY08 - 32 oz 35% Hydrogen Peroxide - $32.00
OXY09 - 128 oz  (1 gallon) 35% Hydrogen Peroxide - $99.00

Click here to go to an additional information page on Hydrogen Peroxide
 E-mail us ( if you would like more information on hydrogen peroxide !

How To Purchase Items
  • Click the Add To Cart button beneath the product description to purchase the item. A shopping cart will appear on the right side of the screen. You can continue to add items from different pages on our site, then when you are ready to check out simply click on the cart icon, and click Checkout.

  • Contact to purchase any item that does not have an Add To Cart button. You can purchase the item by email at or by telephone at 614-262-7087.

Read our terms and conditions of sale.
30 ml
70 ml
AEROBIC KO7 Discontinued
70 ml
AEROBIC MAG O7 colon cleanser
90 caps
AEROBIC MAG O7 colon cleanser
180 caps
AEROBIC MAG O7 colon cleanser
150 grams
12 oz
12 oz 
90 caps 
32 fl.oz
1 Gallon
30 caps
CHINA GOLD Discontinued
32 oz
16 fl.oz.
AEROBIC LIFE SPECIAL DRINK w/ Hydrogen Peroxide - Discontinued
64 fl.oz.
AEROBIC HEART FORMULA - (180 items, 6 per packet) - Discontinued
30 packets
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (7%) (not Aerobic Life Ind Product)
16 oz
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (7%) (not Aerobic Life Ind Product)
32 oz
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (7%) (not Aerobic Life Ind Product)
128 oz