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Alms Bio Omega Therapy™
These are currently not available - New Flavors are Coming!

Liquid and tasty high potency Omega emulsion!

alms bio keylime omega alms bio peach cobbler omega alms bio blueberry tart omega
High Potency
Omega-3 Emulsion
Key Lime
1,500mg with vitamin D3 800 I.U.

nutritional facts
Regular Potency
Omega-3 Emulsion
Peach Cobbler
1,500mg with vitamin D3 800 I.U.

nutritional facts
Vegan Organic
Cold Pressed Flax Oil
Blueberry Tart
1,500mg with vitamin D3 800 I.U.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients, meaning your body cannot manufacture them.  You must get them from your diet. Alms Bio's special blend of emulsified pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is delightfully creamy and delicious, and is micronized allowing for rapid and complete digestion, intestinal absorption, and maximum assimilation.

Research has shown that increasing the levels of omega-3 fats in the body can reduce inflammation, which may help lower the risk of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cancer. Omega-3 supplementation is also effective in treating PMS symptoms, improving cellular membrane integrity, improving brain development and memory, as well as improving joint health.

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  • Click the Add To Cart button beneath the product description to purchase the item. A shopping cart will appear on the right side of the screen. You can continue to add items from different pages on our site, then when you are ready to check out simply click on the cart icon, and click Checkout.

  • Contact to purchase any item that does not have an Add To Cart button. You can purchase the item by email at or by telephone at 614-262-7087.

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Alms Bio Omega Therapy Vegan Blueberry Tart - 16 oz Unavailable
Alms Bio Omega Therapy Key Lime - 16 oz Unavailable
ALM12 Alms Bio Omega Therapy Peach Cobbler - 16 oz Unavailable