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Natural Health Store

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3509 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214


Altacora Essentials
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Baobab Fruit Pulp Baobab Seed Oil Neem Seed Oil

More information on Baobab & Neem

African people have known the tremendous nutritional value of the chalky white pulp which surrounds the baobab seeds for centuries. It is an outstanding source of prebiotic, soluble fiber (pectin) and has significant antioxidant properties. It is an ideal ingredient in beverages, smoothies, and healthy snacks.

Our baobab fruit pulp is:


  • Prebiotic soluble fiber and insoluble fiber for digestive health and improved nutrient uptake

  • Highest per serving antioxidant capacity of any superfruit:  ORAC = 650/gram

  • Delicious sweet/tart flavor and superior thickening quality for THE SMOOTHEST SMOOTHIE ™.

  • Symbiotic digestive effect when added to yogurt or other probiotic foods for truly superior digestive health.

  • Excellent for sports drinks, smoothies, fruit fillings, jams and jellies, energy bars

  • 100% gluten free and raw.

  • 100% wild harvested and sourced directly from producers

  • Promotes environmental stewardship, ecological sustainability, gender equality and rural community development in our African communities through Fair Partnership.


Atacora Essential is committed to harvesting and marketing our specialty products sustainably. We do not overexploit resources. We will not encourage planting cash crops at the expense of local sustenance.

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Atacora Neem Seed Oil:

An age old tradition for healing body and growing food.
Neem Seed Oil is a traditional product for soothing acutely irritated skin through its nourishing, emollient and moisturizing qualities. It also has documented antimicrobial and natural insecticide properties

Pure and Versatile Cold Pressed Neem Oil

Neem seed oil has internal, external, and other utilitarian applications. For the skin, it is moisturizing and healing.
It is highly indicated for use in soaps, cosmetics and toothpaste. Everyone in West Africa starts the day by
 chewing and brushing with a neem stick for dental hygiene!

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has approved Neem Seed Oil as a natural insecticide
and insect repellent for horticultural and agricultural use. 
Used in a foliar spray or as a soil amendment, Atacora Essential Neem Seed Oil suppresses the appetite
and reproductive drive of sucking and chewing garden insects and nematodes,
while not harming beneficial insects and fauna like bees and worms. 
The EPA considers it ‘virtually non-toxic’ for food cultivation. 

It can also help with mitigating rusts, mildews and molds.

Our Neem Oil:

The high quality and versatile nature of our cold pressed neem makes it an essential staple in any home.

Cold Pressed Baobab Seed Oil

Atacora Baobab Seed Oil:
Savannah Skin Care ™

Rejuvenate your skin, scalp and hair with Atacora Essential’s Vitamin and Omega fatty acid rich, 100% pure, wild crafted and cold-pressed health and beauty oil.

 Atacora Essential’s 100% pure, wild harvested and cold-pressed Baobab Seed Oil is rich in antioxidants and provides Vitamins A, D, E & F and Omega 3, 6, & 9 essential fatty acids to rejuvenate skin, scalp and hair.  It is excellent for massage or as an ingredient in lotions, soaps and shampoos, or just apply directly!


The cold pressed oil from baobab seeds is an ideal ingredient in skin care products or can be used in its pure form. It is used for its healing properties. The oil is easily absorbed by the skin, is not greasy and is non-drying. Rich in saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, baobab seed oil moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

Our Baobab oil:

  • Excellent massage oil in its pure form or in blends

  • 100%  pure cold pressed

  • Vitamins A, D, E & F to nourish skin and hair

  • Powerful antioxidant for anti-aging

  • Omega 3, 6, & 9 essential fatty acids 

  • Earthy, nutty aroma

  • Excellent for value added lotions, creams, soap and shampoo, or apply directly.

  • Sourced directly from the traditionally revered mighty Baobab trees in the Atacora region of Northern Benin

  • Produced in Fair Partnership with small landholders and our Women’s producer Co-op

  • Superior skin and hair care

Used in lotion or soap formulas or applied directly, our virgin cold pressed and wild harvested
baobab oil is an excellent addition to your skin rejuvenation regimen.

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  • Click the Add To Cart button beneath the product description to purchase the item. A shopping cart will appear on the right side of the screen. You can continue to add items from different pages on our site, then when you are ready to check out simply click on the cart icon, and click Checkout.

  • Contact to purchase any item that does not have an Add To Cart button. You can purchase the item by email at or by telephone at 614-262-7087.

Read our terms and conditions of sale.

*This shipping/handling fee applies to the Continental United States (excluding Hawaii & Alaska)
If outside this region, please contact us for a shipping quote*

BAOBAB Fruit Pulp 1 lb.

Neem Seed oil Atacora 16 oz
Neem Seed oil Atacora 2 oz
Baobab Oil 16 oz
Baobab Oil 2 oz
Hickory Barbecue 50 gm food bar
Rosemary  50 gm food bar
Pizza Marinara 50 gm food bar
Parmason Romano 50 gm food bar