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Last Updated: 7/26/17
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Far Infrared and Autism

Relax Sauna Testimonials on the benefits for those with Autism

Autism Expert says Relax Sauna is by far the best choice.

Karen did a 30 minutes sweat in the Relax sauna last night. Karen has used far infrared saunas in the past.  She also done whole packages for cedar sauna use at the local yoga studio near where she lives so that she could use it a few times a week.  She felt that the wooden sauna there was effective for what she needed at the time but not nearly as effective as the Relax sauna is.

Now today, after last nights Relax Sauna use, she says it was much more effective in terms of her energy and her gut feeling more balanced as the bloating is now gone.  “I have tons of energy.  I feel this one it Is stronger and much more effective.”  She clarified that she means stronger in a gentle way not in a harsh way.

She loves that it is portable and that you can take anywhere at all and that it can fit into any space or easily be stored when not in use.

“It is actually a really great product. I would highly recommend it.”

They are at the Autism Conference, her name is Karen Thomas and her website is where there is a lot of information for parents.  She also has a book called Natural Healing Autism which is a step-by-step guide to the complete process to help a child to heal from the symptoms of autism that is based on what she used to help her own son heal from his symptoms.  She has a radio show at - which is  released on her website as well. She can be reached at Facebook/naturally healing autism.

She has been recommending Relax saunas for a long time because they are great for detoxing, for use with Lyme disease and various other problems because of the sauna’s effectiveness in detox.  She sleeps with a far infrared comforter because it works with the bodies own natural heat processes so that the body’s own innate healing processes can work with it

She says that, of all the far infrared sauna that she has seen, the Relax Sauna is by far the best choice.

Relax Sauna Autism Expo Testimony 

Maria’s friend, Linda, loaned Maria her own Relax sauna and Maria was surprised how much more she liked it than the full size wooden far infrared sauna she had been using before at a health spa.  She looked into owning one like that but they were a lot more expensive, more expensive to run, took longer to heat up and she didn’t like having to wait that long and have to plan ahead if she just wanted to jump in, especially if she only has 10 minutes before she has to be somewhere.  Many times she just goes in for 5 or 10 minutes with her clothes on before she starts to sweat.  It warms your body from the inside out. 

Her whole family now loves it and her children in particular, who have health issues, benefit from the detoxification.  She now finds the Relax sauna to be a thousand times better.  They all use it everyday and her kids love it.  Her nine year old son, who has anxiety issues, insists on using it 5 or 10 minutes each morning before school because he feels more relaxed and centered.  Maria says it definitely evens you out.  She says that at times, when she feels tired and wired at the same time because she has SO much on her mind and feels like she had only accomplished 10 out of the 500 things she had to do that day, she will hop in the sauna for 10 or 15 minutes and will relax enough to be falling asleep, then and there, in the sauna.  Phil relates that he held his dog on his lap in the sauna once and ever since, whenever anyone in the family is in the sauna, the dog scratches at the tent so it can come in too and lay down under the chair.  Maria says, ”I‘m lovin’ it”

Autism Expo Relax Sauna Testimony

Drew has been in the Health and Wellness industry for several years and their specialty is combating global toxicity.  Their research has shown how critical infrared saunas are.  His house is littered with toys so he was immediately drawn to how compact this sauna is.  It could fit into their walk-in closet.  With 3 kids and a job he does not have the time to wait for a traditional sauna unit to heat up.  As soon as he walked into the room he knew that was the one.

He says it is another great step in human detoxification which is so critical.  People don’t realize what we ingest on a daily basis in our food, air and water and to have a unit like this to help with detoxification is as important as any supplement program or anything else out there.  He feels the wooden far infrared saunas take too long and he appreciates that he can be in the Relax sauna for a few minutes with his clothes on, experience benefits and not have to towel off.  He says that it’s the little things that add up during the day that interfere with our ability to take care of ourselves so something this easy is a no-brainer in his opinion. 

Even though he was having a blast running around meeting people all day about the release of their new book, it was also stressful and he had been feeling achy and had a headache.  After 4 minutes in the sauna he sad he was feeling really good.  He had done the sauna for 10 minutes the day before and said he slept better that night than he had in months.
He co-wrote a book with his father, Peter Greenlaw, on the cutting edge utilizing some old school techniques, such as immunotherapy, to heal the body that the authors feel could change the world and the medical profession forever.  The forward is written by Dr. John Gray, Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars.  He said he feels humbled to work with so many people who have the same vision 


Relax Saunas Autism Expo

Linea hurt her hand 2 months ago when she got an I.V. which still hadn’t healed yet.  This young girl sat in the sauna for an hour and was pleasantly surprised that the pain in her hand was gone for the first time in 2 months.  It completely stopped the pain and didn’t hurt at all.  When she felt a bit of pain later, it went away after only a little bit of time in the sauna.  Each time the pain relief lasts longer in between sauna uses which only need to be used for a shorter time each time.

Relax Sauna Targets Problem Areas, May Reverse Autism

The first experience I actually had in the sauna - I woke up this morning with pain in my back and my ankle.  I have an injury in my ankle.  And right away I started sweating in both those places, in my ankle and in my back.  The purpose if sweating is to get rid of toxins, to detoxify your body from the heavy metals that ae all over the place from the food that we eat and what’s in our air and what’s in everything we use now.  I can already feel some of the pain I had for weeks release (after 5 or 6 minutes).  That’s amazing!
I have an autistic nephew and a lot of research is saying that heavy metals are a huge cause of the symptoms of autism.  I’m really interested in getting one of these to share with my nephew.  I think it would be very helpful with that.  (Phil shared that a man in Ithaca N. Y. used the Relax Sauna to reverse a child’s autism.) Absolutely.  I think it would be extremely helpful in the treatment of autism and in detoxify anybody.
It feels really great.  It gives this very, so warm, soothing feeling.  It’s homey.  Definitely I would use it on a regular basis.  It feels like a chi or a life energy.  It’s almost like you are bathing in one.  It feels much more effective (than the single standing lamps.)   I definitely think I’m going to get one for my family.  I think it would be really beneficial for all of them

autism and far infrared

Click here to read our Ebook "Autism and the Beneficial Effects of Far Infrared Energy" 




Mom feels way better at the Autism Conference after sauna use

Purchase the
Relax Far Infrared Sauna

Purchase the
Relax Far Infrared Sauna In Black
(with more reflective tent, and standard far infrared radiators)

Get the Sauna and Table lamp package.
infrared lamp

We also carry an all natural supplement drink with a patented formula created specifically for people with autism.


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