Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
Last Updated: 4/8/11
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AZT01 - 1 lb
AZT02 - 2 lbs

Ingredients: 100% pure Bentonite Clay

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is Bentonite clay from Death Valley, CA, where it is sun-dried for up to six months in temperatures that can reach 134 °.

Clays have been used for centuries to beautify and refresh when used as a facial mask. Throughout history the use of clay, especially green clay or bentonite, has been well documented. Over 1800 years ago, Cleopatra used clay from the Nile river and the Arabian desert as part of her beauty ritual. Ancient German and Roman spas used clay packs and treatments. Many of these spas still exist and use clay even today. The use of clay with apple cider vinegar can be dated as far back as the 16th century. A French priest, Kneipp, used this combination with his natural treatments using clay packs and poultices. 

The unique structure of the molecules in Aztec Secret Healing Clay carry a negative electron charge. This comes from the valance electron count from the specific minerals found in Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay.

When a spectrographic analysis is done on Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay, almost every mineral found on Earth is present.

Aztec Secret is volcanic Ash from when the Earth was formed. It is the foam residue left as the planet cooled. The foam residue formed a pure clay vein layered between white sand, near one of the lowest parts of planet Earth. When a facial or clay poultice is applied to the skin it forms a negative charge. Poisons and toxins stored in the epidermis have a positive charge - Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay lifts the pimple and blackheads into the clay bed to cause accelerated healing and nourishment to the skin with over 50 minerals.

100% Natural

To learn more about clay, look for Our Earth Our Cure by Raymond Dexteit and translated by Michel Abehsera in your local health food store or book store.

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Directions for use:

1. Mix Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with equal parts of apple cider vinegar or water. Stir the mixture until it is a smooth paste, add more clay or liquid as needed.

2. Apply 1/16 to 1/4 inch thick layer of clay to the face or other areas and let it dry. Drying time varies, but times are generally 5 minutes for delicate skin and 15 to 20 minutes for normal skin.

You will feel a pulling and tightening sensation. Toxins embedded in skin are lifted to the surface by using Aztec Secret Healing Clay.
Removing clay by washing with warm water. A slight redness may appear after removing the clay.
This is normal and will disappear in approximately 30 minutes.

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay removes dirt and impurities deep from the pores of the skin.
One pound of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay makes 10-15 clay packs.


Drinking the Aztec Secret Healing Clay...

From the book: 

The Healing Clay, Ancient Treatments for Modern Times

by Michael Abehsera.

Allergies: (page 68)

The organism is full of toxins. There is no other way to permanently cure an allergy other than by getting rid of these toxins. For this, take half a glass of liquid clay every morning. Clay poultices on the liver before going to bed will help greatly. Drink water and lemon juice mixture (half a lemon squeezed in a glass of hot water) twice a day. Apple cider vinegar and water is also good.

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You should use glass, plastic or wooden bowls and spoons - no metal!

1. Father Kneipp's Original Recipe - Mix equal parts of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar (raw, organic is best) in a bowl. Apply to face and/or body and allow to dry up to 15 minutes. Rinse well with warm water only.

2. Antioxidant Mask - Mix equal parts of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with brewed Green Tea and 500mg of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (open up a capsule). Apply to skin, allow to dry and rinse. Green Tea is currently being studied for its antioxidant, antibacterial, and cancer killing properties.

3. Mask/Scrub - Mix equal parts of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar. Add two tablespoons of uncooked oatmeal to mixture (you may need to add a little more vinegar or water). Apply to skin and let dry 10-15 minutes. Rub off face - use a circular motion. Rinse off residue.

4. Sensitive Skin - Mix equal parts Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with distilled water, 1 teaspoon Kukui Nut Oil and drop 5 drops of lavender oil. Apply to skin and let dry 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

5. Foot Facial - Mix equal parts of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with brewed Pau d'Arco Tea and five drops of Tea Tree Oil. Apply to feet, especially between the toes, let dry 30 minutes and rinse well in warm water.

6. Refreshing Facial - Mix equal parts Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with distilled water and one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon minced cucumber (remove peel). If you would like a tingling mask add three drops of peppermint oil to the mixture. Apply to skin and allow 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

7. Honey Mask - Mix equal parts Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar, add one tablespoon raw honey. Apply to skin, allow to dry ten minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask is similar to a mask used by Cleopatra in her beauty ritual.

8. Relaxing Mask - Mix equal parts Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar and distilled water (example: two tablespoons clay with one tablespoon vinegar and one tablespoon of water). Add five to ten drops of your favorite aromatherapy relaxation or calming blended oil to the mixture. Apple to face, allow to dry while relaxing in the tub for ten minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

9. Problem Skin Masks - Mix equal parts Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar and five drops of Tea Tree Oil. Apply to skin and allow to dry 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse well with warm water and apply Tea Tree Oil directly to blemish.

10. Body pack - Mix one pound Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay with apple cider vinegar

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Aztec Secret Healing Clay
1 lb
Aztec Secret Healing Clay
2 lbs
AZT10 Aztec Secret Kukui Nut Oil

2 oz