CELLFOOD is the world’s #1 selling Oxygen & Nutrient

What is CELLFOOD and why is it so
CELLFOOD is a proprietary ionic
formula containing dissolved oxygen, electrolytes, 78 ionic minerals,
34 enzymes and 17 amino acids— which provides an unsurpassed
oxygenating source, and nutritional delivery system,
to every cell of the body. CELLFOOD's unique structure oxygenates and
feeds the cells— cleaning and 'tuning up' our body's systems all day
is this so important?
Oxygen aids the functioning of every
body system. That's why aerobic exercise is so important to our good
Yet even when we exercise regularly (and most Americans do not), we are
not getting optimum levels of oxygen into our bodies. Why? Because ours
is an increasingly oxygen-deficient environment— filled with chemicals,
exhaust fumes, industrial emissions, and burned fossil fuels. When
scientists analyzed the oxygen content of air bubbles trapped in
ice-core drill samples at the Antarctic,
they found that the earth's atmosphere was comprised of between 38% and
50% oxygen not so long ago. Over the years,
increasing pollution, mass destruction of the rain forests, and the
reduction of other natural producers of oxygen,
have decreased the level of oxygen in our atmosphere from above 38% to
below 20%, especially in highly
populated industrialized areas.
CELLFOOD is capable of holding its components in a full aqueous
solution and delivering them to every single cell.
Its unique time-release delivery system ensures that nascent oxygen is
created when CELLFOOD is mixed with water or juice,
and that the vital nutrients are rapidly absorbed by the body at the
cellular level. And CELLFOOD contains only the finest all-natural plant
CELLFOOD enables nascent oxygen to be generated by the splitting of
water molecules in the body into atoms of
nascent oxygen and hydrogen. Nascent means newly born; and, in
biochemical terms, a newly born singlet atom of oxygen is negatively
charged (0-). Free radicals (which many biochemists believe are the
primary cause of the aging process
and degenerative disease) are positively charged singlet atoms of
oxygen (0+). The nascent oxygen atom
(0-) is attracted to the (0+), forming a molecule of pure oxygen (02)
at cellular level where it is needed,
for processes such as cleansing cells, e.g. combining with a single
carbon atom to form carbon dioxide (C02)
which is expelled through the respiratory system.
How does Cellfood work?
When you mix Cellfood with water or
juice and ingest it, its proprietary water-splitting action begins the
you take the first sip. This cascading time release of oxygen typically
peaks within 8-12 hours, and then keeps working hour after hour. In
partnership with the body's own natural intelligence, Cellfood releases
oxygen whenever and wherever it's needed—
and if no longer needed, no more is released. And, its essential
natural minerals, enzymes, amino acids and electrolytes are delivered
simultaneously throughout the body on the deepest cellular level.
Cellfood is a miracle of
electromagnetic design. Since Cellfood is colloidal and negatively
just like the blood and lymph fluid— there is a natural synchronicity
between these fluids. Cellfood and its nutrients move
through the cell walls easily, and its vital nutrients are absorbed and
assimilated quickly and efficiently.
And, Cellfood is a di-pole, di-base delivery system, delivering its
nutrients to the cells and tissues under any conditions.
(Di-pole means Cellfood is effective in any polarity range of the body;
di-base means it's effective in any pH range and
will tend to normalize the body's acid/base balance). Therefore,
Cellfood is exceptional as an overall delivery system
not only for its own nutrients, but for increasing cell-absorption (by
as much as 3-5 times) of any other nutrients or substances introduced
into the body within the same 24 hour period. Notably, there is no
known toxicity associated with Cellfood.
Importantly, Cellfood won't create
free radical damage. Free radicals— believed to be a primary cause of
aging and disease—
are positively charged ions of oxygen. Since Cellfood's released oxygen
molecules are negatively charged,
they seek out and attract these dangerous free radicals, joining with
them to form stabilized oxygen.
Where does CELLFOOD come from?
The genius and inventor behind CELLFOOD is Everett Storey, twice Nobel
Laureate, who worked on the American
"Manhattan Project'. This was a top-secret project; and, to this day,
not much has been revealed about it.
Albert Einstein credited Storey with the "water splitting technology"
that he patented; and from his research,
the hydrogen bomb was developed. Because of exposure to extreme
radiation, the people on the project began to die.
Everett Storey himself was affected and, by the early 1950s, he had
lost 30 kg in weight.
So, Storey worked on saving his own
life and giving mankind something useful. In 1956 he invented a
deuterium-based product, which he called "Cell Food" or "Liquid Life".
In the development of "Cell Food" Storey used the work of Dr Harold
who in 1932 had discovered deuterium (the only non-radioactive isotope
of hydrogen), which had subsequently been kept secret because of its
role in the hydrogen bomb and as the principal fuel for space
exploration. Storey spent most of his life researching deuterium's
incredible health benefits, which kept him alive until his death at the
age of 74 in 1984.
Is Cellfood a medicine?
No, Cellfood is not a medicine.
Cellfood is currently classified as a nutritional supplement.
is the shelf life of Cellfood ?
The shelf life is indefinite. Recent
testing of 25 year old samples have demonstrated an improvement in
does the body absorb Cellfood ?
The nutrients in Cellfood are in
colloidal form. Colloidal particles are minute (4-7 nanometers in
diameter), and because of the Brownian Movement Phenomenon, they take
on a negative charge and remain suspended in liquid. Because most
bodily fluids are colloidal and negatively charged, the body perceives
Cellfood as normal healthy body fluid and allows the nutrients to pass
immediately through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat, and
esophagus, directly into the blood stream.
How is Cellfood different from other so-called
oxygen products?
Many other so-called oxygen products
tend to flood the body with oxygen, often creating dangerous oxygen
free radicals.
The release of these reactive oxygen species results in oxidation
injury to biologic systems such as lipids found in cell membranes, and
proteins found in blood vessels and myocardial tissues." (Professors
Ashim Ghatak and Mahesh Chandra:
Complementary Medicine, page 13, volume 4, number 1, 1998) Cellfood
actually bonds with dangerous oxygen free radicals supplying the body
with usable pure oxygen, in a time release manner, directly to the
do I take Cellfood ?
Cellfood is a liquid concentrate,
taken orally by mixing a number of drops (see individual label for
instructions) in water.
If you use ordinary tap water, Cellfood begins purifying the water and
the benefit you receive from Cellfood is reduced.
Cellfood has a slightly sour lemon taste. Should you find this
unpleasant, you can use more water or mix Cellfood with a fruit juice.
Can I
overdose on Cellfood ?
No, Cellfood is a nutritional
supplement made from natural substances.
The body only uses what it needs, and eliminates the rest through the
normal channels of elimination.
happens if I get no results?
Sometimes a person is unaware of the
"work" that Cellfood is facilitating at deep cellular levels.
People who first reported "no results" from taking Cellfood later
reported, after physical examinations,
that their cholesterol and blood pressure levels had dropped
significantly. These are similar accounts regarding
the normalization of uric acid and blood sugar levels. Additionally,
Cellfood is designed to raise the frequencies of all organs,
making them more resistant to the lower frequencies of viruses,
bacteria, and parasites. This fortification of the immune system helps
the body become more capable of combating micro-organisms that could be
detrimental to your general health.
Am I
"cheating" if I use Cellfood during sports competitions?
No, Cellfood is made from the finest
natural ingredients, none of which are on the "list of banned
issued and governed by international, professional, and amateur
athletic associations.
if I am already taking medicine?
Cellfood can be used in conjunction
with other nutritional supplements or medicines because it increases
the bio-availability
of these other substances enabling the body to more effectively use
them. Many Cellfood users have reported within
a few weeks or months of continual use, a gradual decrease in need for
medication. If you are pregnant of under medical care,
please consult your medical practitioner before using.
Enhanced Oxygen
Oxygen is vital to the healthy functioning of our body- it fuels all of
its systems, fires its chemical reactions,
and eliminates wastes and toxins. Cellfood enhances the critical
availability of oxygen to the body through
its unique ability to 'dissociate' water molecules within the body-
resulting in the release of abundant nascent oxygen,
and hydrogen, directly to the cells.
Actinium • Antimony • Argon • Astatine • Barium • Beryllium • Bismuth •
Boron • Bromine • Calcium • Carbon • Cerium •
Cesium • Chromium • Cobalt • Copper • Dysprosium • Erbium • Europium •
Fluorine • Gadolinium • Gallium • Germanium •
Gold • Hafnium • Helium • Holmium • Hydrogen • Indium • Iodine •
Iridium • Iron • Krypton • Lanthanum • Lithium •
Lutetium • Magnesium • Manganese • Molybdenum • Neodymium • Neon •
Nickel • Niobium • Nitrogen • Osmium •
Oxygen • Palladium • Phosphorous • Platinum • Polonium • Potassium •
Praseodymium • Promethium • Rhenium •
Rhodium • Rubidium • Ruthenium • Samarium • Selenium • Silica • Silicon
• Silver • Sodium • Sulfur • Tantalum • Technetium • Tellurium •
Terbium • Thallium • Thorium • Tin • Titanium • Tungsten • Vanadium •
Xenon • Ytterbium • Zinc • Zirconium
Hydrolases, Carbohydrases: Maltase, Sucrase, Emulsin.
Nucleases: Polynucleotidase, Nucleotidase.
Hydrases: Fumarase, Enolase.
Peptidases: Aminopolypeptidase, Dipeptidase, Prolinase.
Esterases: Lipase, Phosphotase, Sulfatase.
Copper Enzymes: Tyrosinase, Ascorbic Acid, Oxidase
Iron Enzymes: Catalase, Cytochrome oxidase, Peroxidase
Enzymes containing coenzymes 1 and/or 2: Lactic Dehydrogenase, Robison
Ester, Dehydrogenase
Enzymes which reduce cytochrome: Succinic Dehydrogenase
Yellow Enzymes: Warburg's Old Yellow Enzymes, Diaphorase, Haas Enzyme,
Cytochrome C reductase
Amidase: Urease
Mutases: Aldehyde Mutase, Glyoxalase
Desmolases: Zymohexase, Carboxylase
Phosphorylase, Phosphohexisomerase, Hexokinase, Phosphoglumutase
Alanine • Arginine • Aspartic Acid • Cystine • Glutamic Acid • Glycine
• Histidine • Isoleucine • Lysine • Methionine •
Phenylalanine • Proline • Serine • Threonine • Tryptophan • Tyrosine •
Electrolytes support the healthy electrical integrity of the body's
natural colloidal systems, including the blood itself.
They impart a negative charge to the red blood cells, separating them
to restore their maximum functioning.

LUH01 - 1 FL.OZ
Cellfood is a proprietary
ionic formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino
electrolytes and dissolved oxygen— and utilizes a unique
water-splitting technology.
It provides an unsurpassed oxygen and nutrient delivery system, and is
absorbed quickly and efficiently by every cell in the body. Cellfood's
unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells— cleaning and tuning up
the body's systems throughout the day.
Cellfood is made from all-natural plant substances, and is yeast-free
and gluten-free.
It's been said
that all forms of illness can be traced to two basic causes:
too many toxins in the body and too few nutrients reaching the cells.
Cellfood is the only product that addresses these two vital health
issues at the same time,
and with remarkable thoroughness.
Cellfood is created by a proprietary nine month
process in which these all-natural nutrient-rich plant substances are
held in a negatively-charged suspension of deuterium (an isotope of
hydrogen). The result is a remarkable formulation which—
by utilizing the same technology used decades ago to split the atom—
actually 'dissociates' (splits) water molecules
within the body by weakening the bonding electrons, and gives birth to
cascades of vital, life-giving oxygen.
This newly-born oxygen, combined with an array of vital nutrients, is
carried to every cell in the body—
cleaning, toning and building the cells and tissues hour after hour,
day after day. Since our bodies are over
two-thirds water, this oxygen and hydrogen source is virtually
Directions for
Adults take 8 drops in 8 oz. of purified or distilled water, or juice,
3 times per day— or during stress or physical activity.
Best taken between meals (at least 15 min. before or 1 hour after). May
mix 1 day's amount in water bottle and sip throughout day. Each 1-oz.
bottle of Cellfood contains 90 servings of 8 drops each, or 720 drops.
Some may experience a cleansing or detoxification response.
If so, halve dosage at beginning, then gradually resume full dosage.
when pouring:
Use Cellfood carefully over any surfaces and materials when undiluted,
as product contains organic enzymes.
Avoid eye contact; rinse with water if dropped in eyes.
1 ounce bottle = 30
day supply
Essential Silica Formula

LUH03 - 4 FL.OZ
Our bodies need silica. In our youth, our tissues absorb and maintain
high levels of silica—
enabling our bodies to remain flexible, resilient, and energetic— but
as we age, our silica levels steadily decline.
Silica supplementation can be an aid in supporting healthy bones,
joints and cartilage, skin, nails, hair, teeth and gums.
It's believed
that silica supplementation may be a key factor in helping us maintain
a healthier,
more youthful, and pain-free body— and in reducing the body's natural
recovery time.
Silica and the bones + joints
Calcium and Vitamin D alone are not sufficient for
bone growth, density, strength, and flexibility. Silica, along with
other trace minerals found in this formula, is needed to strengthen
bones and increase collagen production. Cellfood Essential Silica
Formula contains easy-to-absorb silica plus all the needed additional
trace minerals.
Silica and the skin, hair, nails,
teeth + gums
Studies show that without adequate silica, the body
cannot maintain optimum skin elasticity, strong hair, nails, teeth and
Silica and the heart
Studies confirm that with age, silica disappears
from the aorta, the heart's key blood vessel— thus weakening its
critical connective tissue, and resulting in a greater cardiac risk.
Silica and the brain
Silica levels decrease with aging and therefore may
be needed in larger amounts by the elderly. Studies show that silica
counteracts the effects of aluminum on the body and therefore may be
important in supporting neurological health.
Cellfood Essential Silica Formula contains Cellfood
proprietary blend and pure silica.
Directions for use:
Shake bottle gently before using. Take 15 drops in 8
ounces of purified water or juice twice daily.
May also be used after strenuous physical activity. No refrigeration
4 ounce bottle = 40 day
Oxygen Gel
LUH02 - 2 FL.OZ
Cellfood Oxygen Gel is specially formulated to take
advantage of the dramatic topical benefits of Cellfood.
Our formulators have utilized specific high quality ingredients— each
one known to be an exceptional skin rejuvenator—
to create a skin gel that is both beautifying and healing.
* Renews skin
* Promotes a youthful complexion
* Supports healing of problem skin conditions
* Is effective for all skin types
* Restores skin's natural balance
* Softens and smooths dry skin
* Reduces uneven texture
* Refines oily skin
* Reduces blemishes
* Revitalizes skin's moisture
* Decreases fine lines around eyes and mouth
Use it for all problem skin areas:
* Wrinkles
* Lines
* Stretch marks
* Rashes
* Sun spots
* Veins
* Bruises
* Rough skin
* Skin damage
* Blemishes
The Magic of Cellfood
Winner of the 1997 Advanced Technology Award,
Cellfood is the cell-oxygenating formula that makes
Cellfood Oxygen Gel the most nourishing, revitalizing skin care product
It contains 78 ionic trace minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids,
electrolytes and dissolved oxygen.
But what makes Cellfood especially unique is its
ability to 'dissociate' water molecules—
weakening their bonds and releasing vital oxygen and hydrogen. This
ability to release cascades of these
precious building blocks of life has made Cellfood one of America's
fastest-growing nutritional products today.
Cellfood Oxygen Gel contains Cellfood proprietary
blend, aloe vera, chamomile, glycerine, fossilized organics,
polysaccaride gum, and less than 1/5th of 1% methyl paraben.
Cellfood Oxygen Gel is not tested on animals, and is
fragrance-free and hypo-allergenic.
Directions for use:
Evening: Cleanse face well. Lightly glide your
fingers over the gel and apply a small amount over face and neck,
concentrating under the eye area. Your skin firms as the Gel dries.
Oxygen Gel’s nutrients feed the skin all night,
while restoring ideal moisture balance.
Morning: Wash off Gel; your face will feel clean and
fresh. Then re-apply a light film. Skin firms as the Gel dries.
Nutrients feed and protect the skin all day. Also use on any non-facial
areas requiring revitalization.
Quick-Mask: Apply a light film at any hour of day or
night. Leave on for one hour. Wash off.
Face will feel revitalized and nourished.
Moisturizer and makeup tips: If more moisturizing is
desired, either mix gel with your favorite moisturizer when applying,
or apply gel first, and then moisturizer. You may also apply makeup or
sunscreen over Gel.
For persistent conditions: You may add 1 or 2 drops
of original Cellfood concentrate to the Oxygen Gel for special skin
problems. Don't add it to the jar— rather, mix a drop or two into an
individual application of Gel.
You may use cap for mixing. Gel will become more liquified, and will
penetrate your skin's cellular tissue
with enhanced oxygenating power.
Detoxification: When first using, short-term skin
breakout may occur as toxins draw to the surface.
This is a normal healing process.
Note: A generous layer of Gel is desirable for
healing skin problems, and may result in some minor flaking as the mask
For cosmetic use, using a thinner layer will prevent this.
2 ounce jar = several
month supply
Natural Weight Loss Formula

LUH04 - 4 FL.OZ
Being overweight is a serious health problem that's been linked to high
blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Recent studies show that one third of Americans are overweight.
Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula will help get
your weight loss program off to a strong, healthful start—
and then keep it running smoothly. This new proprietary formula
combines Cellfood with fat burners L-Carnitine and Garcinia Cambogia
Plant Extract to promote healthful weight loss— even while you sleep!
Made from only the finest ingredients, this unique
product works naturally and remarkably by assisting the body in:
* decreasing fat storage by inhibiting synthesis of
fatty acids and cholesterol.
* increasing the body's metabolic action, transforming fatty acids into
energy by accelerating the transport
of these fatty acids into the cells' mitochondria.
* improving the cardiovascular system by maintaining healthy HDL
cholesterol (protective cholesterol),
LDL cholesterol (damaging cholesterol), and triglyceride levels,
keeping arteries clear, normalizing blood pressure
and improving the heart muscle. The heart gets two-thirds of its energy
by burning fat, so Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula assists the
body by feeding the cardiac engine and strengthening the heart muscle.
And Natural Weight Loss Formula:
* deeply detoxifies the body
* cleanses the liver and bowels
* reduces stress
Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula contains
Cellfood proprietary blend, L-Carnitine, and Garcinia Cambogia Extract.
Directions for use:
Shake bottle vigorously before using. Mix 20 drops
in 8 ounces of purified water or juice, and take at bedtime.
For best results, stop eating three (3) hours before taking Cellfood
Natural Weight Loss Formula.
Must be taken on an empty stomach. No refrigeration required.
It's part of an overall health and wellness program!
Optimum weight loss using Cellfood Natural
Weight Loss Formula can be achieved by following as many of these
healthful guidelines as possible:
• Drink plenty of purified or distilled water every
day to facilitate your body's detoxification process.
• Eat foods high in dietary fiber (fresh
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains).
• Reduce your intake of sugar, dairy, white
flour, refined foods, alcohol and fried foods.
• Chew your food slowly and completely for
optimum digestion.
• Stop eating when you feel satisfied.
• Exercise at least three times per week— for
a minimum of 20 minutes per session.
4 ounce bottle = 60 day

LUH05 - 1 FL.OZ
Cellfood DNA•RNA Cell Regeneration Formula is one of
the most rejuvenating, immunity- enhancing,
and tissue-supporting formulas ever developed. It is a proprietary
blend of nucleic acid bases
(the essential building blocks of DNA and RNA), methyl groups (which
are considered by many scientific researchers
to be the prime regulators and programmers of the aging process), ATP
(the fundamental energy 'currency' of the human body)
and the original Cellfood formula. In Cellfood DNA•RNA, the life- and
longevity-enhancing effects of these four special
components have been combined for the very first time. And, it's been
formulated in a spray, boosted with the remarkable
Cellfood delivery system, and laser enhanced— all combining for optimal
absorption and assimilation.
The Miracle of DNA
and RNA
Today there is a compelling new focus on the
ingestion of dietary nucleic acid bases—
the essential building blocks of DNA and RNA. Although the body is able
to manufacture nucleic acid bases
from amino acids and other basic nutrients, recent evidence indicates
that the body is often not able
to make enough DNA and RNA to protect, repair, and regenerate cells to
their optimum function.
This is especially true for cells that have high turnover rates— like
the intestinal lining, which may fully replace itself every week. The
demand for DNA and RNA may exceed our production capacity particularly
under conditions of stress,
in which the demand for greater cell activity becomes acute. This is
especially true for the large populations of cells
in the immune system. Numerous studies show dramatic benefits in
overall health and function with the supplementation of nucleic acid
elements. These effects are so powerful that survival rates in even
life-threatening situations have been markedly increased. And,
longevity studies indicate that no single tested therapeutic method has
increased longevity more than supplementing the body with DNA and RNA
elements. In addition to the pure bases of DNA and RNA, Cellfood DNA/
RNA contains
the amino acids the body uses to make nucleic acids from scratch.
Providing these amino acids— glutamine, serine, glycine,
and aspartic acid— may further boost our capacity to maintain nucleic
acid pools at optimum levels for cell rejuvenation and repair.
Advantages of Oral
Spray Delivery
Cellfood DNA•RNA Cell Regeneration Formula is
provided in a very convenient— and highly biologically active oral
spray form. By providing the nucleic acid base components in this form,
we've been able to increase their absorption
into the bloodstream significantly. Instead of as low as only 1-3%
delivery to the blood stream with conventional delivery,
the oral spray may effectively deliver 90% or more of the nucleic acids
to cells and tissues throughout the body.
Laser Enhancement
Cellfood DNA•RNA utilizes another extremely advanced
and unique technology: a new laser process for nutrient
enhancement that has been patented worldwide— developed over the last 8
years by the formulator of Cellfood DNA•RNA,
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys— a Johns Hopkins and Georgetown University trained
M.D., internist, and pulmonary and intensive care specialist. This new
form of laser energy can be used to restore molecules to a more natural
shape that the body can use more efficiently, resulting in greater
availability. Even very pure manufactured nutritional supplements are
often subject to processes which can cause numerous random distortions
of nutrient shape. Enzymes of the body are highly shape sensitive in
order to 'fit'
with other nutrients. When the body receives a nutrient in a wide range
of random shapes, some will fit and many others will not.
The nutrients that don't fit will either be excreted or broken down
into useless compounds.
This remarkable laser technology has the ability to restore molecules
into their optimum nutritional shape.
Normalizing and creating consistency in the shape of
the molecules greatly reduces the enzyme energy needed to bind the next
molecule, which can greatly increase the efficiency of nutrient
utilization. This allows the cells to make much more of the desired
products from the same quantity of ingested nutrients. Milligram for
milligram, cells fed the laser-treated nutrients have produced
statistically significantly more of the biologically desirable internal
products than those fed normal nutrients. The laser technology used to
enhance Cellfood DNA•RNA Cell Regeneration Formula is the most powerful
method of restoring and re-shaping nutrients— for enhanced absorption
and assimilation— ever developed. The combination of this laser
technology and Cellfood DNA•RNA Cell Regeneration Formula is an
unequaled combination for boosting amino acid and nucleic acid
Cellfood DNA•RNA Cell Regeneration Formula contains
DNA and RNA (nucleic acid) bases, TMG, Cellfood proprietary blend,
Glycine, ATP, L-Glutamine, L-Serine, L-Lysine, L-Proline, L-Aspartic
Acid, Vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, and Folic Acid.
Directions for use:
Shake well before using.Three (3) sprays in the
mouth and swallow, two (2) times daily.
Persons with elevated uric acid or with a history of
gout may have a very slightly increased risk
of an episode of gout while taking nucleic acid supplements. Because of
the very efficient utilization of the DNA elements in this formula, the
quantities of purine bases are well below that usually associated with
an increased risk of elevated uric acid.
1 ounce spray bottle
= 30 day supply
MultiVitamin Spray

LUH06 - 1 FL.OZ
Cellfood MultiVitamin 100% RDA Formula is provided in a very
convenient— and highly biologically active— oral spray form.
By providing the vitamin nutrients in this form, we've been able to
increase absorption into the bloodstream significantly.
Instead of less than 20% delivery to the blood stream with pills— and
other conventional non-liquid delivery— an oral spray may effectively
deliver 90% or more to the cells.
Cellfood MultiVitamin Formula utilizes another
extremely advanced and unique technology: a new laser process for
nutrient enhancement that can be used to restore molecules to a shape
the body can use more efficiently— resulting in greater availability.
Even very pure manufactured nutritional supplements are often subject
to processes that can cause numerous random distortions of nutrient
shape. Enzymes are highly shape-sensitive in order to 'fit' with other
nutrients. When the body receives a nutrient in a wide range of random
shapes, some will fit and many others will not. The nutrients that
don't fit will
either be excreted or broken down into useless compounds. This
remarkable laser technology has the ability to restore molecules
to their optimum nutritional shape. The net effect of resonant laser
stimulation is molecules that are consistent in shape—
the optimum shape— from molecule to molecule.
Milligram for milligram, cells that are fed
laser-treated nutrients have produced statistically significantly more
of the biologically desirable internal factors than those fed normal
nutrients. The laser technology used to enhance Cellfood MultiVitamin
100% RDA Formula Spray is the most powerful method of reshaping and
restoring nutrients— for enhanced absorption
and assimilation— ever developed.
Finally, Cellfood MultiVitamin 100% RDA Formula
contains the original Cellfood formula—
with 78 trace minerals & elements, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids and
The presence of even a small amount of Cellfood creates a remarkable
delivery system which makes
MultiVitamin Formula's rich nutritional components highly available to
each cell.
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin E (d-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin Monohydrate)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL)
Folic Acid
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
CELLFOOD proprietary blend
(Purified water, dissolved oxygen, seawater extract, plant source amino
acid & enzyme blend)
Other Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin,
natural flavoring, potassium sorbate and grapefruit seed extract
Directions for use:
Shake well. Adults and children four years and over:
Spray six (6) times in the mouth and swallow, once per day.
1 ounce bottle = 30
day supply