An excerpt from A Holistic
Protocol for the Immune System by Scott
J. Gregory (pg 24-25):
a plant antibiotic, is an extract of the wild black carrot employing a special extracting processing
technique. It is
believed that this antibiotic extract is one of the most
important infection fighters in existence.
This plant
was used as a food and a medicine by the Indians of the
It was one of the best known and most widely used remedies.
The root of the plant was most commonly used to treat coughs, colds,
hay fever,
bronchitis, asthma, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.
This product was introduced into Western medicine by
the infamous
medical doctor, E. T. Krebs, Sr.,
of the Vitamin B-15 and Vitamin B-17 fame. It is gaining world-wise
recognition. E. T. Krebs, Jr.
once made the statement concerning the virtues of this wonderful
natural herb, that "it is destined
to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man."
The crude oil of the plant and a concentration of one to ten in mineral
oil completely or partially
inhibited growth of ten organisms, including all gram positive
A study of the effectiveness of extracts prepared from the root of Lomatia
showed varying
degrees of inhibition of the growth of all sixty-two strain and species
of bacteria and fungi tested
(Carlson, 1948). There are many other antibiotic studies of this plant.
Historically, it is one of the most important medicinal plants of the
western United States,
and has great potential as a modern therapeutic agent.
LDM-100 is very alkaline and makes the saliva and urine alkaline.
The saliva pH pattern averages about 6.6, while the urine pH pattern
averages about 5.6.
Urine pH below 6.9 suggests possible infection. LDM-100 creates an
alkaline environment
(demonstrated in the saliva and the urine) which kills acid-fast
bacteria and viruses.
Any reading below seven is acid; a reading above seven is alkaline.
A patient can chart his recovery by testing his saliva and urine.
The more alkaline the state, the less infection.
biological and clinical study of the herb Leptotaenia (Lomatium)
immune system
response and decreasing body
This herb may prove successful in treating the pandemic
infection diseases now circling our globe.
This product is produced with long-duration shelf life capability. It
from the dropper, but is recommended to be
used with a small amount of water or
fruit juice.
LDM–100 is a broad
spectrum plant antibiotic,
Virastatic, Bacteriostatic, Fungicidal,
(Influenza, colds, respiratory and urinary infections, Staph and strep
infections, difficult
infections, Lansing, Polio, E.B. Infections, fungus infection, skin
infection, warts, etc.)
Viral Infections:
Used for Epstein- Barr virus, herpes, colds,
influenza, trachoma,
Lansing polio virus, meningitis, etc.
Bacterial infections:
Lyme disease, pneumonia, urinary and
pulmonary infections,
staphylococcus and streptococcus infections.
Fungus Infections: candida albicans,
infections, athlete's foot,
finger and toenail infections, and most east infections when mixed with
a douche.
Contraindications: LDM-100 have essential oils
which produce a
harmless skin rash in some people that may be allergic to it (1 in 100
It is a sign that
one's immune system has been stimulated.
This is
counter-irritant therapy and is beneficial for the immune system.
The rash lasts only
a few days, and is not harmful. If rash persists, discontinue using
The rash can be
ameliorated with Exitox (/Smithsonite), which can be taken internally
or applied topically.
(/Smithsonite) contains: zinc, salicylic acid and boron.
Homeopathic nux vomica, Vitamin C or
Pantothenic Acid can also be helpful.
LDM-100 is composed of a single herbal extract
(Leptotaenia dissecta
var. multifida)
employing a special processing technique. It is virustatic,
fungicidal, and bacteriocidal/bacterio-static.
This non-toxic antibiotic extract is one of the most important
infection fighters in existence.
Ldm-100 is extremely effective because of the presence of
immune-stimulating polysaccharides.
(Study by Wakeman, 1925) LDM-100 has anti-viral, anti-fungal and
anti-microbial activity,
according to investigations. LDM-100 easily penetrates the virus coat
as well as bacterial, yeast,
and animal cells, demonstrated in vitro (in the test tube) and in
vivo (in the body).
One of the marvelous properties
of LDM-100 is that there is no toxicity level.
Start out at 5-10 drops three
times a day - to 3-5 droppers
full per day. Increase the dosage until
the desired results
First four days usage: one-half dropperful,
four times a day.
Second four days:
one-half dropperful twice a day.
It may be taken directly
with the dropper, or put into water or juice.
Note: In water it will take on a slightly milky appearance.
A Holistic Protocol for the Immune System
Book by
Scott J. Gregory:
Intestinal & Liver Formula
The powers of Black Walnut Hulls and Wormwood
(Artemisia) are
well known to alternative
Now - for the first time
- we introduce Clarkia-100. It is a unique
handcrafted herbal tincture combining
Green & Black Walnut
Hulls, Wormwood, and fresh ground Cloves.
Clarkia-100 is a
formula containing three key herbs.
The combination of these three ingredients will kill both the
egg and adult stages of many
internal parasites including amoebas, giardia, worms, and liver
(which are attributed as a cause of serious illness in many
people who are unaware that they are infested).
The real secret of
this formula is the use of the Dark Green Hull surrounding the
Black Walnut,
which is utilized within a short time after harvesting
(before it turns black, at which time it loses its potency).
The Clove used in Clarkia-100 is freshly ground and immediately added
to the tincture, because exposure
to air
evaporates the desired properties, which are preserved in the
liquid tincture.
Clarkia-100 is
handmade in small batches in the Southwest USA.
One 2 oz bottle contains 1200 drops, enough for 15-30 days as
recommended dosage levels.
Green/Black Walnut Hulls, Louisiana and Western Wormwood,
Fresh Cloves, extracted into grain alcohol.
Dosage: Start at
10-15 drops in purified water every 3 hours.
If well tolerated, increase dose to 20-25 drops before each meal.
2 oz
Suma Root from Brazil.
Common names: Suma, Brazilian
ginseng, pfaffia, para toda, corango-acu
Main Actions |
Other Actions |
supports hormones
inhibits blood sickling
lowers cholesterol
relieves pain
calms nerves
reduces inflammation
inhibits tumor growth
inhibits cancer
increases libido
kills leukemia cells
oxygenates cells
enhances immunity
Standard Dosage: 10-20 drops 3 times daily.
2 oz
Gingko Biloba.
Gingko Biloba is used as a treatment for
vertigo, tinnits (ringing in the ears) and a variety of neurological
disorders and circulation problems. Ginkgo may help to counteract
the effects of aging, including mental fatigue
and lack of energy.
Ginkgo works by increasing blood flow to the brain and
throughout the body's network of blood vessels that supply blood and
oxygen to the organ systems. It increases metabolism efficiency,
regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain
which uses 20% of the body's oxygen.
Benefits of enhanced circulation in the brain include
improved short and long term memory, increased reaction time,
and improved mental clarity. Ginkgo is often used to treat
elderly persons with Alzheimer's and other symptoms
of cerebral insufficiency. Cerebral insufficiency is a general
term for a collection of symptoms that include
difficulties of concentration and memory, absentmindedness, confusion,
lack of energy, depressive mood, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, and
Ginkgo has been used to relieve tension and anxiety and
improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy.
Ginkgo has two groups of active substances, flavonoids and
terpene lactones, including ginkgolides A, B, and C, bilobalide,
quercetin, and kaempferol. The ginkgolides have been shown to
control allergic inflammation,
anaphylactic shock and asthma.
Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to
the oxidation of free radicals which are believed to contribute to
premature aging and dementia. Antioxidants also protect the eyes,
cardiovascular system and central nervous system.
Ginkgo may also help control the transformation of
to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries,
and can relax constricted blood vessels.
The herb has been used in treatment of other
circulation-related disorders such as diabetic peripheral vascular
Raynaud's syndrome, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. It can also
aid in the treatment of insufficient circulation
and complications from stroke and skull injuries. Ginkgo's
beneficial effects on the circulatory system also can be
of benefit in the treatment of eye and ear disorders.
Ginkgo increases blood flow to the retina, and can slow
retinal deterioration resulting in an increase of visual acuity.
In clinical test ginkgo has improved hearing loss in the elderly,
improves circulation in the extremities relieving cold hands and feet,
swelling in the limbs, and chronic arterial blockage. Among other
things, ginkgo is being investigated
as a potential treatment to prevent the rejection of transplanted
organs, as a treatment for asthma,
and for toxic shock syndrome.
Standard Dosage: 12-15
drops in water or juice 3 times per day in between
Una de Gato (Cat's Claw)
Unacaria Tomentosa from Peru (Cat's Claw).
The Peruvians have used
the Una de Gato as a healing tonic for centuries, trusting in its
cleansing abilities.
Dr. Brent Davis has been
working with Una de Gato in the United States since 1988.
He nicknamed it “The
Opener of the Way” for its profound ability to cleanse the intestinal
tract and provide relief
from problems in the stomach
and bowels. Patients with colitis, gastritis, Crohn’s disease,
intestinal flora imbalance and
even ulcers have benefited from Una de Gato.
Alkaloids are the active
organic compounds found in herbs/plants. It is from alkaloids that
plants derive
there potent power.
Six oxindole alkaloids
are prevalent in Una de Gato bark. These alkaloids are what seem to
give Una de Gato
its unique healing
benefits and the ability to enhance the immune system and
gastro-intestinal tract.
Studies have shown these alkaloids to be anit-viral, anti-inflammatory,
immuno-stimulating, and act as antioxidants.
Standard Dosage: 10-15 drops 1 hour before meals.
Blue Vervain andValerian
Blue Vervain is a common wild-growing plant in the
eastern and central parts of the United States.
The leaves and roots of
Blue Vervain are a valuable alternative medicine used in homeopathy for
epilepsy, and other
nervous conditions. It has a bitter taste and a cooling energy. As with
many herbs with blue
or purple flowers, it
has a calming action on the nerves. It also has antispasmodic,
diaphoretic, astringent, and expectorant properties. It may be used as
a bitter to improve liver function and digestion and also as
a galactagogue to improve milk
production for nursing. Native Americans used the leaves as tea as a
“female tonic.”
Valerian is a plant found throughout Europe and
Northern Asia. In the middle ages, the root was used not only
as a medicine but also
as a spice, and even as a perfume. Valerian is a powerful nervine and
It has a remarkable
influence on the cerebro-spinal system, and is used as a sedative to
the higher nerve center in
conditions of nervous
unrest. It allays pain and promotes sleep. It is of especial use and
benefit to those suffering
from nervous
as it possesses none of the after-effects produced by narcotics.
The valerianic acid
present in the oil of Valerian root is not the normal acid, but
isovalerianic acid, an oily liquid to
which the
characteristically unpleasant odor of Valerian is due. It is
gradually liberated during the process of drying.
Valerian also contains
two alkaloids.
This herbal extract of Blue Vervain and Valerian Root is not harmful and will not cause product
Standard Dosage: 12 drops 3
times per day.
15 drops at bedtime to relax
and obtain a restful nights sleep.
Extract should be taken with water or fruit
Hulda Regehr Clark began her studies in biology
at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
After two years of study at McGill University, she attended the
University of Minnesota,
studying biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate
degree in physiology in 1958.
In 1979 she left government funded research and began private
consulting on a full time basis,
after attaining a naturopathy degree at the Clayton College of Natural
Six years later she discovered an electronic technique for scanning the
human body.
With it she noticed clues as to the cause of cancer, HIV and other
"mysterious" diseases.
Today Dr. Clark puts her methods, her results, and her conclusions
before you. Read her books and recover.