ARTICLE: Gogi - A Small Fruit with Big Benefits
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A Small Fruit with Big Benefits
(but buyers beware!) by Dr. Lindsey Duncan,
N.D., C.N

Many of the legendary
health-giving properties of Lycium barbarum (Goji’s Latin name) are
today being confirmed
in modern scientific studies, and this has led to the possibility of
even more far reaching benefits.
Over 50 studies have already been published in
prestigious health journals, including in the British Journal of
Internal Immunopharmacology, Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine and
China Pharmacology and Toxicology.
In this article for Healthy Living, I’ll look at: The most exciting
Health Benefits of the Goji Berry!
Anti-Aging & Life Extension— Your
body’s ten trillion cells are under constant attack by free radicals.
These harmful agents can accelerate aging by destroying vital body
cells faster than they can be replaced.
Goji is known as the “longevity fruit.” It contains powerful
polysaccharides and antioxidants to defend
against premature aging and to fight free-radical damage
throughout the body.
Look & Feel Younger— Goji stimulates
the release by the pituitary gland of human growth hormone (hGH),
the youth hormone. The benefits of hGH are extensive and include
reduction of body fat, better sleep,
improved memory, accelerated healing, restored libido and a more
youthful appearance.
Get Better Sleep— Goji has been
historically used in Asia for the natural treatment of insomnia.
In several medical study groups with elderly people, nearly all
patients taking goji reported better quality of sleep.
Protect Your DNA— DNA is the most important
chemical in your body. It carries the blueprint for all the traits
inherited from your ancestors, and also ensures that, as they need
replacement, your ten trillion cells
are faithfully reproduced as healthy, exact duplicates. Exposure
to chemicals, pollutants and free radicals
can cause DNA damage and breakage, leading to genetic mutations,
cancer, and even death.
Goji’s betaine and polysaccharides can restore and repair damaged
Support Your Liver— Goji contains a
cerebroside (a type of enzyme) that has been shown to protect liver
even from highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Improve Immune Response— Research reveals
goji’s ability to regulate immunity by commanding and
controlling many of the body’s important defense functions. Goji
polysaccharides enhance and balance the activity
of all classes of immune cells, including T-cells, cytotoxic T-cells,
natural killer (NK) cells, lysozyme,
tumor necrosis factor alpha and the immunoglobins IgG and IgA and
interleukins-2 (IL-2).
Improve Digestion— Goji has long been used
in the treatment of atrophic gastritis, a weakening of
digestion caused by reduced activity of stomach cells. Goji itself is
easily digested and assimilated,
especially when taken in its highly bioavailable juice form.
Improve Your Memory— Goji is the premiere
“brain tonic” in Asia. It contains betaine, which is converted
in the body into choline, a substance that enhances memory and recall
Support Kidney Health— In Chinese medicine,
the kidneys are most important and are believed to control the brain
and other organs. Goji has long been known to be a kidney super
tonic, supporting ultimate kidney health and function.
Support a Stronger Heart— Goji contains
cyperone, a sesquiterpene that benefits the heart and
blood pressure. Its anthocyanins help to maintain the strength
integrity of coronary arteries.
Combat Fatigue & Lethargy— Goji is one
of Asia’s premier adaptogens. Goji increases exercise tolerance,
stamina and endurance. It helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when
recovering from illness.
Support Healthy Blood Pressure Levels—
Nearly one in four adults has high blood pressure (hypertension).
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack,
heart failure and kidney failure.
A 1998 research study indicated that high blood pressure could be
managed by the polysaccharides in goji.
Support Healthy Cholesterol Levels— Goji
contains beta-sitosterol, which has been shown to lower cholesterol
Its antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidizing and forming arterial
The flavonoids in goji help to keep your arteries open and functioning
Support & Balance Healthy Blood Sugar Levels—
been used in China for the treatment of adult-onset
diabetes for many years. Its polysaccharides have been shown to
help balance blood sugar and insulin response.
Goji contains betaine, which can help prevent fatty liver disease and
vascular damage often seen in diabetics.
Enhance Libido & Sexual Function— Goji
has been used historically in Asia as a premier sexual tonic.
Modern scientific studies have shown that goji markedly increases
testosterone in the blood,
thereby increasing libido in both men and women.
Help Reduce & Alleviate Anxiety & Stress—
adaptogen, goji helps the body to adapt to and cope with
stress. It provides the energy reserves to help with any type of
difficulty, both mental and physical.
Support & Enhance a Healthy Mood &
Brighten Your Spirit— In Asia, goji is known as the “happy berry.”
It has been
historically used in China to uplift and elevate. It is said that
constant consumption of goji brings about a cheerful attitude.
Combat Inflammation & Joint Problems—
Scientific research has shown that with acute and chronic inflammation,
free radicals like superoxide are produced at a rate that overwhelms
the capacity of the body’s superoxide dismutase
enzyme defense system to remove them. Such an imbalance results in pain
and damage to joints and tissues.
Goji can help to restore the balance of the important anti-inflammatory
SOD enzyme.
Oftentimes people will read or hear all of the
things that Goji can help and ask, “Is this a panacea or a cure-all?”
My answer is always the same: The entire body is connected; if
something can heal or affect us on a deep level,
will it not affect every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies? Our
bodies are not made of separate parts,
but are whole, interconnected entities. Goji juice was first introduced
to America through MLM (multi-level),
pyramid, or other types of marketing. In conducting comprehensive
research and thorough analysis,
I determined that every single one of these companies that had
introduced goji juice to the
West had all added other fruit juices (such as apple, grape, pear, or
others), chemical preservatives
(such as sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate), water (which is a
dilutive) and other inexpensive,
unwanted and even unhealthy additives. As I researched deeply and
intensely into the rich historical use
of goji berries and goji juice, one thing quickly became very
clear and very evident to me—
for the past 3,000 years throughout all of Asia, I could not find one
individual, one pharmacy,
one healer or one doctor that mixed their goji juice with sweeteners,
fruit juices, chemicals,
preservatives or any of the common dilutives found in other goji juice
products in the U.S.
The goji fruit contains polysaccharides,
specifically four that are quite unique (LBP 1, 2, 3 and 4),
which have been demonstrated to strongly fortify the immune system.
These same polysaccharides have
been found to be secretagogues, that is, substances that
stimulate the secretion in the pituitary gland
of human growth hormone (hGH), a powerful innate anti-aging hormone.
Pure goji juice is the richest source of carotenoids, including beta
carotene (more beta carotene than carrots),
of all known foods or plants on Earth! Goji is a powerful antioxidant
and is traditionally believed to fortify
the body against disease and to provide the energy to overcome
difficult obstacles in healing.
Beta-carotene can be transformed into vitamin A under the influence of
human liver enzymes.
Being rich in trace minerals, goji juice contains significant amounts
of zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium and phosphorus,
plus many other novel compounds, such as solavetivone, not found in
other foods or plants.
The more we delve into the history and scientific research conducted on
goji over the past
several decades and the historical use over the past 3,000 years, the
more one realizes
that this small but powerful berry is worthy of trial and further
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Genesis Today Goji100 is the
World's first 100% pure, undiluted, unadulterated, unsweetened,
Goji juice containing all five known Lycium Barbarum Glycoconjugate
Polysaccharides LbGp 1-5!
Contains 30,000 mg of pure GOJI in each 1 oz serving!
Goji supports:
* Healthy immune system function*
* Healthy mood (Known for thousands of years as "The Happy Berry")*
* Healthy libido*
* Healthy aging*
* Healthy energy levels and resistance to fatigue*
* Healthy blood pressure, cholesterol & homocysteine levels
(Supporting all around cardiovascular health)*
* Healthy endocrine function*
* Healthy liver function*
* Healthy eyes*
* and more...
Goji100 juice contains the following
naturally occurring organic elements:
* Contains LbGp1,LbGp2,LbGp3,LbGp4,& LbGp5 (Lycium Barbarum
Glycoconjugate Polysaccharides 1-5) A.K.A. LBPX
* Rich in naturally occurring Amino acids
* Contains 21 trace minerals, including germanium, a rarity in foods
* Contains a full range of naturally occurring carotenoids including
Beta-Carotene & Zeaxanthin
* Contains Vitamin C & B-Vitamins
* Contains Vitamin E, very rarely found in fruits
* Contains Solavetivone
* Contains Betaine, which supports healthy homocysteine levels and
healthy liver function*
The five LbGp’s are the most clinically researched
compounds found in Goji berries and Goji juice.
A Note From
Phil Wilson
Owner of Momentum98
The texture of
this Goji juice is unlike any other. Most Goji Juices on the market
appear to be diluted with lots of water. Not this one. The viciousness
of this product is so thick - it feels like apricot nectar. We have not
seen any Goji juice which can compare in quality to this. Absolutely
the finest quality!
Lyceum is another name for the Goji Berry. It is present in most great
traditional Chinese Herbal formulas. It is an ancient wonder fruit...
Try Goji Berries:
Go to the main Goji Page
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100% Pure
wild-grown and wild-harvested Noni juice with nothing added,
not even water!
Health Benefits of
Very high in organic minerals, trace minerals, over 160 nutrients and
other novel compounds such as Damnacanthal,
Scopoletin, Anthraquinones, Acubin, Alazin and Asperuloside*
* Supports healthy serotonin levels*
* Supports healthy immune system function*
* Supports healthy inflammatory processes*
* Supports healthy energy levels*
* Supports healthy microbial balance*
* Supports to detoxification pathways of the body*
* Supports healthy blood sugar levels*†
* Natural digestive bitter
Benefits of NONI100:
Analysis show that one bottle of Genesis Today NONI100 is equal to
between 3 and 8 bottles
of Noni produced and marketing by other companies
* Contains only 100% pure wild grown and wild harvested Noni juice - no
added fruit juice,
sweeteners, sugar, preservatives or water! There are no added
ingredients in this product.
* 30,000mg of pure Noni in every serving
* Picked, cleaned, aged and juiced the exact way it has been done
traditionally for the past 2,000 years
* They manage, oversee and maintain long-term exclusive contracts with
16 organic and wild harvested, beautiful farms in the South Pacific
The products on this page are no longer manufactured and are NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
The only 100% Pure Wild Harvested Mangosteen juice
product on the market that contains the highest levels of Polyphenolic
Compounds known as Xanthones
Health Benefits of Xanthone-rich
* Supports healthy COX enzyme, prostaglandin and
histamine levels, thereby assisting healthy inflammatory processes*
* Supports healthy human immune system function*
* Supports youthful cellular regeneration and healthy aging*
* Supports cardiovascular health, by acting as a free radical scavenger*
* Extremely high ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) rating,
which support cells and their components from damage by oxygen radicals
(free radicals), according to studies of animal and human blood*†
Competitive Benefits of
* Unfortunately, many manufacturers and marketers
of Mangosteen products add water, fruit juices, sweeteners, juice
concentrates, chemical preservatives and other unwanted and unnecessary
ingredients. This is done to lower costs, improve flavor, and increase
sweetness and to speed production runs. Genesis Today is proud to offer
the world's first and only 100% pure, Mangosteen product. This product
is 100% pure, and made the traditional way, just like it was consumed
over 1,000 years ago.
* Genesis Today's MANGOSTEEN100 is equal to three to nine bottles
(depending upon the brand) of competitive products.
* MANGOSTEEN100 is made with only 100% wild grown and wild harvested
Garcinia Mangostana (Garcina mangostana L.)
The products on this page are no longer manufactured and are NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
ACAI100 is the only 100% Pure, Wild Harvested Acai Berry Juice that is
fully supported by the research findings of the World's foremost
scientific expert on Acai, Dr. Stephen Talcott, PhD., of Texas A&M
University. Dr. Talcott's research and scientific studies have been
published in numerous peer-reviewed scientific journals such as the
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Food Research International,
and Food Chemistry.
Competitive Benefits of ACAI100:
* 100% PURE wild harvested ACAI Berry Juice! No
added fruit juices, sweeteners, sugars, preservatives, water or
* Made from the whole Acai Berry, including the Epicarp (the dark
purple/black skin), the Mesocarp (the pulpy meat) and the Endocarp (the
* 30,000 mg of pure Acai Berry Juice in every 1 fl. oz. serving
* Processed through a unique maceration process that has been used for
thousands of years by the indigenous people of the Brazilian rain
and other bordering South American countries
About Acai100:
* Rich in Macronutrients such as: Proteins (Amino
Acids) & Essential Fatty Acids
* Strong historical use as a nutrient rich food source by the
indigenous inhabitants of the Brazilian Rainforest
* Contains over 3.5 times the Anthocyanin (Cyanidin 3-Glucoside) levels
of red wine (per equal volume)
* Contains naturally occurring plant based Essential Fatty Acids (fatty
acid profile similar to olive oil) & Phytosterols which may support
healthy cholesterol & blood sugar levels*
* Rich in Fiber which supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract*
* Supports healthy joints, healthy inflammatory processes & acts as
a powerful free radical scavenger*
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A complete digestive enzyme blend that
helps support the healthy digestion of all food groups.
* Helps support our bodies' own digestive capabilities*
* Contains much more than just enzymes, it contains unique herbs and
plants that have been
shown to support our digestive system*
* Supports proper digestion, which is crucial for rebuilding and
regenerating the body -
most people know that poor digestion is at the root of many health
problems today
* Contains Gentian, Centaury, Turmeric and Cardamom which help
stimulate bile flow
and gastric juices which play
a critical role in cleansing, repairing and rebuilding the digestive
* Helps our bodies generate digestive heat (most enzyme products do not
accomplish this critical function) *
Offers a
multi-purpose digestive formula:
* Vegetarian enzymes
* Heat generating herbs
* Gastric & bile stimulating ingredients
* Soothing & calming herbs
* Contains Dr. Lindsey Duncan's proprietary blends of "Enzyme
(226 mg per serving) and "Herbalgest" (130 mg per serving)

A Multi Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal
and Amino acid supplement in pure, easy-to-digest, low sugar, liquid
* Supplies the body with all of the vital nutrients
that we need (in liquid form): vitamins, minerals, trace minerals,
amino acids & herbs
* Low in carbohydrates (2 grams of naturally occurring carbs per
& zero sugar) while being high in nutrient content
* Great for adults, children and geriatrics alike because of its easy
absorption and great taste
* Great solution for people with difficulty swallowing pills
* An easy-to-digest, absorb and assimilate liquid vitamin, mineral and
multiple nutrient drink
* Contains a proprietary blend (12,000+mg in every ounce) which
consists of a combination of pure Noni, amino acids and herbs, all of
which help support, build and strengthen our body's internal organs,
cells & tissues*
* Recent studies suggest that liquid supplements are 80%-90% more
bioavailable to the human body
Protein100 Liquid
Protein Dietary Supplement by Genesis Today

GNT17 32 oz
Protein100 Contains:
15 grams of Genesis Today's Proprietary Protein Blend in
every 1 fl. oz. serving
480 grams of Pure Liquid Protein in every bottle!
A Complete Source of Protein containing all 20 Amino Acids
(Essential & Non-Essential)
An Easy to Digest Protein Source that is High in Di &
Tri-Peptides Amino Acids
Naturally High levels of Glutamine which Supports Recovery
and Immune Function*
- Naturally High levels of Arginine which supports
Cardiovascular Health*
PROTEIN100 Supports:
Individual Daily Protein Intake Needs (D.P.I.N.)*
Joint Health*
Skeletal & Muscular System Health*
Skin, Hair, & Nail Health*
Elasticity of Tendons and Ligaments*
Muscular Recovery*
Healthy Weight Control*
Healthy Immune System Function*
Additional Benefits of
Bioavailable Liquid
Fat Free, Sugar Free, & Lactose Free
Does not contain additional Free Form Amino Acids which
many compete or disrupt the "natural" complete protein source
No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners
No excipients, binders or flow agents
Rich in Di- and Tri- peptides for easy absorption
As a Liquid Protein Dietary Supplement, take 1 fl oz in between meals
or as directed by your health care professional. Best mixed with 4 - 6
ounces of purified water or your favorite 100% pure fruit juice.
Additional 1 fl oz servings may be taken throughout the day if desired
to meet your Daily Protein Intake Needs. It is also beneficial to take
Protein100 before or after exercise.
Contains a Proprietary Blend of:
Low Molecular Weight Collagen Hydrolysate
Low Molecular Weight Casein Hydrolysate (PeptoPro®)
Other Ingredients: Purified water, Citric acid, natural orange flavor,
natural mango flavor, natural tangerine flavor, stevia (leaf), sodium
benzoate (less than .1% as a preservative) and potassium sorbate (less
that .1% as a preservative).
**Contains milk derived ingredients
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