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JUVO is the revolutionary low-fat, low-calorie and all-natural raw meal designed to fuel all lifestyles. Nutritionally balanced and rich in raw, organic ingredients, JUVO can boost energy, enhance metabolism, strengthen the immune system, cleanse toxins & waste materials and improve your overall health. People what they need to look their best and feel healthy, with JUVO's unique formulation, alive, natural, raw ingredients to help them stay satisfied. Natural,
Organic, Raw, and Healthful Ingredients Whole grain, the staple of most diets worldwide, offers the benefit of long-term storage because of its low-moisture content and hard husks. Most grains are made of starch, and consist of 75% carbohydrates. The starch contains 25% of the amylose, with sweet rice and corn containing mostly amylopectin. Grain also consists of 10% protein and 2-3% fat (mostly unsaturated fatty acid). The embryo bud contains antioxidant vitamins E and B, essential for carbohydrate metabolism. Grains also contain a good amount of phosphorus and potassium. Brown rice, which only has its exterior-most chaff removed, differs greatly in nutritional value from white rice, which consists only of the rice albumen. Rice chaff contains vitamin B1, effective in preventing beriberi, plus other vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, minerals, and fiber. Brown rice contains four times more fiber and vitamin B1 content than white rice, and two times more lipids, phosphorus, and iron. The nutritional value of an embryo bud, the life of the rice itself, is important. Embryo buds contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and E, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vegetable protein, and such vegetable oils and fats as linolic acid and linolenic acid. It is a perfect food. A lot of the antioxidant vitamin E prevents body cells from aging and helps maintain reproductive functions. Black rice is one of several black-colored heirloom plants producing rice variants. This grain is high in fiber and has a deep, nutty taste. The deep color of black forbidden rice, and the deep purple color when cooked, suggests the presence of phytonutrients. It has a relatively high mineral content (including iron) and, like most rice, supplies several important amino acids. Black beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other legumes. In addition to lowering cholesterol, black beans' high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains such as brown rice, black beans provide virtually fat-free high quality protein. Indian Millet consists mostly of starch (76.5%) and protein (8.5%). It's better to eat sorghum with its chaff, which contains a large amount of vitamin B. Sorghum helps prevent circulatory disease, increases appetites, and helps develop and maintain bone structure. Italian Millet has been cultivated in China, Japan, and Korea as one of five staple grains. The smallest of all grains, it's mostly deep yellow, though there are white and reddish-brown ones. It contains more protein, fat, vitamins, calcium, iron, and fiber than rice, thought it's best eaten with rice. It has a long-term storage advantage since its taste does not change, and it suffers less insect infestation than other grains. Italian Millet is digested easily and it promotes bowel movements. It also promotes healthy blood sugar. The seeds of Job's Tears (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen) have been used as anti-inflammatory medicine. The plant Job's Tears has been known to assist paralysis of body and to aid in fatigue and tonicity. It's been used as a beauty food to assist facial discoloration, freckles, moles, and acne. It also helps with labor pains, weight management, and boost energy. It can suppress body swelling, severe respiratory, and inflammation. Job's tears contains a large amount of vitamin B, calcium, and iron. Sprouted Alfalfa(Medicago sativa), also known as Lucerne, is the member of the pea family and is native to western Asia and the eastern Mediterranean region. .Alfalfa is one of the richest sources of all minerals necessary for great health. The seeds and sprouts of Alfalfa are an excellent source of beta carotene and several vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin U, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Vitamin D. Alfalfa is especially also rich in minerals including iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Soybeans originated in the border area between southern Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula, and Korea first cultivated them between the fourth and sixth centuries B.C. Soybeans contain an unusually large amount of high-quality vegetable protein, and a rich amount of essential amino acids. One of these amino acids is often lacking in people who eat mainly grains. Soybeans also contain a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids that can help reducing cholesterol, and promotes healthy blood and weight loss. They're ideal for maintaining mineral balance in our body since they're rich in vitamins B and E, calcium, and potassium. Notably, the American National Cancer Research Center suggests that soybeans are an anti-cancer food, and many recent studies report that isoflavone, the vegetable estrogen in soybeans, support menopausal disorder and bone health. Berries contain generous quantities of "nutraceuticals". Nutraceuticals are natural substances found in food that provide a health or medical benefit. They are products which help to fight many cancers as well as providing essential "phytochemicals".Among several significant phytochemicals raspberries and in particular black raspberries, contain high levels of anthocyains, ellegic acid, vitamin C, salicylic acid, quercetin and fiber. Vegetables contain high moisture content, soft fibers, pectin, and smooth texture, all of which are essential for healthy intestines and adjustments of body functions. They are rich in inorganic substances like calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as such vitamins as A, B1, B2, and C. They complement the nutritional inadequacies of other foods and are an important alkaline food. Pigments such as chlorophyll (green), carotenoid (reddish brown), and flavonoid (red) function as physiologically active substances to promote health. After harvest, vegetables begin to lose their nutrients, so it's desirable to eat them fresh. Acerola can be found growing wild and under cultivation on the sandy soils. It is native to northern South America, Central America, and Jamaica, Florida and Texas. The fruit of the Acerola Cherry tree, Malpighia punicifolia L. is rich in Vitamin C and carotenoids. Acerola's use is mostly associated with its high content of vitamin C and the synergistic bioflavonoids- rutin and hesperidin, providing one of nature's most potent antioxidants. Acerola is an ideal food based source of nutrients necessary for immune support. In addition to its vitamin content, acerola contains mineral salts that have shown to aid in the re-mineralisation of tired and stressed skin, while the mucilage and proteins have skin hydrating properties and promote capillary conditioning. Ashitaba is a celery-like plant belonging to the Angelica family. It contains chlorophyll that has shown an ability to be an anti-bacterial, aid in the production of blood, and an ability to help heal wounds. Nutritional analysis reveals that 100 grams of Ashitaba powder contains the beta-carotene content equivalent to four carrots, the vitamin B2 content equivalent to 28 cloves of garlic, the vitamin C content equivalent to 4 lemons, and nine times the amount of iron found in spinach. It also contains various vitamins and minerals. The beet (Beta vulgaris) is a flowering plant in the family Chenopodiaceae. The various table beets contain significant amounts of vitamin C in the roots, and the tops are an excellent source of vitamin A. They are also high in folate, as well as soluble and insoluble dietary fiber and several antioxidants. Various cultivated forms of Beta vulgaris have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The Romans used beetroot as a treatment for fevers and constipation, amongst other ailments. Apicius in De Re Coquinaria gives five recipes for soups to be given as a laxative, three of which feature the root of beet. Hippocrates advocated the use of beet leaves as binding for wounds. Burdock is a fiber-rich vegetable that helps vowel flora. The astringent tasting substance in burdock, tannin, has strong antibacterial and antipglohistical functions; it was used as an antipglohistic prior to the advent of antibiotics. Burdock is 15% glucose, including inulin and pentosan. Burdock, compared to other root vegetables, has a lot of vitamin B1. Camu Camu Fruit Extract has the highest recorded amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet. As with any vitamin C-rich fruit, however, the time between harvesting and consumption is crucial; the fruit may lose up to a quarter of its vitamin C content in less than a month (even if frozen). Even with this loss, Camu Camu still has a dramatic edge. In addition to the chemicals mentioned above, Camu Camu contains beta-carotene, calcium, leucine, protein, serine, thiamin, and valine. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. The more beta carotene a carrot has, the darker it gets. Other vegetables, eggs, and dairy products also contain carotene, but not as much as carrots do. When we lack carotene and vitamin A, our skin becomes rough, our natural body defense system weaken. Vitamin A also strengthens the defensive ability of mucous membranes to prevent tired eyes. And it helps respiratory ailment and digestive problems. Its heat insulation ability helps blood circulation. The vitamin A and iron improve blood circulation, which helps recover from fatigue and decrease memory loss Chlorella is a genus of single-celled green algae, belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta.Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and other pesticides. Numerous research projects in the U.S. and Europe indicate that chlorella can also aid the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead, DDT and PCB while strengthening the immune system response. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and is reputed to contain the highest concentration of polyphenols, chemicals that act as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cell membranes, tamper with DNA (genetic material). Green tea has been extensively studied, and results from these studies suggest that green tea may be useful for the health conditions. Hibiscus Members of the Malvaceae family, various species of hibiscus are shrubs found practically around the globe. The flower of hibiscus is the part used as medicine. The flowers contain substantial quantities of flavonoids and proanthocyanidins,2 which are associated with antioxidant, fever-reducing (antipyretic), pain-relieving (analgesic), and spasm-inhibiting (spasmolytic) activities. The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), also called the sunroot or sunchoke or topinambur, is a flowering plant native to North America grown throughout the temperate world for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable. It stores their carbohydrates in a form of inulin, a starch that is not utilized by the body for energy, as opposed to sugar. They are recommended as a potato substitute for diabetics since they are filling but not absorbed by the body, and because they also show indications of assisting in blood sugar control. Kale Like cabbage and broccoli, kale has full of nutrients. It's a popular ingredient of green vegetable juice extract. Kale contains 181 mg of calcium per 100 grams (milk contains 100 mg of calcium per 100 grams), that helps strengthen bones. And with half the iron of beef liver, kale supports memorie increase. Kale provides fiber and a variety of vitamins, including vitamin C, to help prevent digestive disorders.. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a bright green, biennial herb. Parsley is like an immune-enhancing multi-vitamin and mineral complex in green plant form. It is one of the most important herbs for providing vitamins to the body. Parsley is made up of proteins, flavonoids, essential oils, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, beta carotene, and especially vitamin C. It is also valued as a breath-freshener, due to its high concentration of chlorophyll. Pumpkins originated in tropical America. They are harvested in the late fall, and can be stored until February. Although contents vary for each pumpkin type, 100 grams of pumpkin average 80-90% moisture, 5-13 grams glucose, two grams protein, 0.3% fat, one gram fiber, 0.7% calcareous content, 80 R.E. carotene, 0.05 mg vitamin B1, ten mg vitamin C, and other nutrients. The riper they get, the sweeter they become as their glucose level increases. Their pharmacological effects include lowering fevers, and prompting urination. The carotene in pumpkins detoxifies harmful active oxygen, and slows aging. Pumpkin seeds can be used for de-worming and drug addiction treatment. They contain plenty of rectin and essential amino acids for brain power. The radish belongs to the mustard family, with the roots being the most popular edible part (though the sprouts and greens are increasingly popular). Offering long term storage, the radish contains a lot of vitamin C, mostly in its skin. Diostase, a digestive enzyme, is plentiful in radish and helps with digestion when eaten raw. (Diastase, the starch-dissolving enzyme, is present in our sputum.) Methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) gives radish its aroma, and allyl compound (CH2=CH.CH2NCS) composes its spicy taste. Dried radish contain bountiful protein, essential amino acids, lysine, carotene and vitamin C. And dried radish -- rich in minerals, calcium, and iron -- keeps our bodies warm in winter. Spirulina This tiny aquatic plant offers 60% all-vegetable protein, essential vitamins and phytonutrients such as the antioxidant beta carotene, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides. Many people use Spirulina in their own self-care strategy for more energy, nutritional insurance, weight control and cleansing. Tomato In the area of food and phytonutrient research, nothing has been hotter in the last several years than studies on the lycopene in tomatoes. This carotenoid found in tomatoes (and everything made from them) has been extensively studied for its antioxidant and cancer-preventing properties. The antioxidant function of lycopene-its ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen damage-has been linked in human research to the protection of DNA inside of white blood cells. Prevention of heart disease has been shown to be another antioxidant role played by lycopene. Mushrooms Of the 100,000 types of autogeneous mushrooms, one hundred are known to be edible. The large quantity of fiber in mushrooms helps prevent and assist bowel movement. They are also rich in vitamin B, calcium and iron. Mushrooms have only a small amount of glucose, fat, and calories, which makes them perfect for a healthy diet. The unique taste of mushrooms comes from guanic acid, which promotes healthy blood, heart health, and help improving digestive problems. Shiitake mushrooms, originally grown in Japan and China, grow on trees such as oak and chestnut in spring, summer, and fall. Shiitake mushrooms contain a lot of vitamins D, B1 and B2. Ergosterol in dried shiitake mushrooms turns into vitamin D2, which has been known to prevent rickets and accelerate iron and calcium absorption for bone growth. Recovery from damaged bones is quicker when shiitake mushrooms are taken with calcium. Reishi Mushroom has long been called a panacea because it can support memory loss, heart health, healthy blood, natural body defense system, and various digestive ailments. The physiologically active substances of reishi mushroom include steroids, nucleic acids, glucans, Germanium, rectin, and antithrombin. Reishi Mushroom also increases the production of interferon, which strengthens the immune system of cells affected with aging and tiredness. Laver belongs to the red algae family. It's rich in protein, vitamins A and C, and minerals, and is also perfect for winter nutrition. It is made up of 29% Brown Rice*, Sprouted Brown Rice*, Pumpkin*, Kale*, Job's Tears, NON-GMO Black Soybean*, Mugwort, Buck Wheat[Gluten Free], Red Bean, Lotus Root, Burdock, Carrot*, Radish*, Radish Leaves*, Cabbage*, Laver, Brown Seaweed, Tangle, Angelica Utilis* [Herb], Codonopis Lanceolata*, Reishi Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom, NON-GMO Soybean*, Millet, Sorghum, Barley*, Pine Needles, Hibiscus Extract, NON-GMO Soybean Peptide, NON-GMO Isolated Soybean Protein, Green Tea Extract, Polygonatum Extract, L-carnitine, Lactobacillus Acidophillus, Spirulina, Fructooligosaccharide [Natural Sweetener] glucose and 40% protein, and its taste is very enjoyable. Although the red pigment is phycoerythrine, this red algae can sometimes reflect green or other colors due to chlorophyll and carotenoid. Dried laver, when wet or exposed to sunlight, can lose its chlorophyll, and the pigment phycobilin turns it from dark red to brown, and its taste changes, too. Laver has been reported to deter digestive ailments. *Grown Organically Sea tangle, a brown algae, is also known as kelp. It contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and iodine, making it an alkaline food. It's appetizing taste comes from sodium glutamate. It's 20% glucose content consists of alginic acid.
FACTS & BENEFITS Next Food Revolution, Raw Food Diet In many case-control and cohort studies, they reported the relationship between raw and cooked food to health risk and examined whether they may affect health risk differently. Review article of 28 case-control & cohort studies from 1994 to 2003, published by Columbia University, shows that cancer risk may be stronger for raw vegetables than cooked vegetables Most of the evidence suggests that cooking food has harmful effects, as it destroys nutrients and enzymes, alters the structure and thus digestibility of food, and creates by-products that may be harmful.
Food Sources Functional Ingredients Major Health Benefits ** ![]()
Manufacturing Process Freeze drying food is the best way to preserves nutritive properties, flavor, color and aroma. When vegetables and grains are flash frozen, their moisture instantly freezes. Lowering atmospheric pressure at the freezing point vaporizes the moisture, allowing the food to dry. Quick freeze drying costs more, but minimizes the loss of nutrients, flavor and aroma. Freeze Drying Process Selection of
raw food materials Inspection Washing Raw
Foods Immersion of
raw materials in water Cutting Drying Pre-freezing Retrieval Grinding Mixing Packaging Quality control
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