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The various solutions (of
Water with Lignite Added) , as received,
are to be diluted with water
according to directions, before being used.
Remember it is the water that
becomes the effective ingredient.
All of the products have a
synergistic effect upon antibiotics and germicidal agents.
The Dr. Willard Water XXX is
the most effective in this respect as it has natural bacterial,
fungicidal and antibiotic agents
found in the lignite,
which is used in the production
of LA-WATER (Lignite Activated Water).
We have evidence that all products
have the unique property of relieving the stress in animals.
When a dog is "sick" it is one of two reasons: both are concerned with Food and Water.
1. Something is needed
by the body, which is not there.
2. Something is not needed
by the body, which is there.
A ration should always contain
nutrients sufficient for maintenance and body repair. This does
not mean any massive intake on a crude level such as: protein,
vitamins, etc. Minerals and trace elements are as important as
vitamins in maintaining good health and a sound body. There is a
difference in organic minerals and the same minerals in the organic
(life) form. The trace minerals in Dr. Willard's Water XXX are
from organic material
laid down in nature some 50
million years ago.
No medicinal product has the
ability, within itself, to perform any body healing. They only
set up circumstances whereby the body heals itself. In private
communication from veterinarians they have stated they probably 75
percent of all animal diseases are due to stress. Stress is any
change in conditions that is not good for the animal well being such
as: during severe exercise, after loss of blood, in serve re
pain, during emotional excitement (racing and hunting dogs),
exposure to extreme heat or
cold, etc.
During stress there ids a
in the lymphatic tissue, including the spleen and the thymus, this
fewer lymphocytes in circulation. Lymphocytes are important
in the protection against infectious disease. Water constitutes
of plasma and lymph resembles
plasma in composition.
Again we see the importance
of the right kind of water in the life process of the animal.
Nutrient intake, nutrient
and body retention of nutrients are all essential for building a
dog. Now supposing that we had a patented water additive that
produce a more active form of water that would influence those
through greater vitamin activity, trace mineral utilization to assist
and nutrient retention, plus a water that relieves stress in the dog, a
test trial of 14-21 days will show if
Dr. Willard's Water additive
is an economical aid to "plus feeding".
Directions for its Use:
1. Use in drinking
as a conditioning agent and to relieve stress.
Add 1/2 ounce of the XXX
per 25 gallons of drinking water,
or 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons.
2. Use in feed to
digestion and to relieve stress
If you are now mixing the feed
with water, replace the water with an equal amount
of a solution made by adding
one ounce of Dr. Willard's Water XXX to one gallon of water.
Use same as ordinary water.
If you do not add water to the
feed then just spray the feed until moist with XXX solution.
3. For irritation of
skin, eyes, nose, or throat.
Spray the infected area with
a solution made by adding one ounce of Dr. Willard's Water Normalizer
gallon of water.
4. Use with burns,
sprains, and other physical damage.
Make a dilute solution by adding
one ounce of the XXX concentrate to one gallon of water.
Spray the injured area one to
three times a day with this solution.
Recently a product has come to our
that may provide improvement in efficiency of poultry production.
The product is called CATALYST ALTERED WATER. It is described as
colloidal sodium, magnesium, calcium polysilicate polymer with a
of a plant oil derivative which is combined with lignite.
Altered Water has been used by a ranchers in South Dakota for ten years
to relieve stress and improve productivity in cattle. Results
following the utilization of Catalyst Altered Water on poultry farms
that birds attained egg size and peak production earlier with extended
length of the peak. Fertility was also improved 3 to 5%.
were 1/2 lb. heavier and consumed less feed.
The birds appeared to show less stress
the production period.
Unfortunately, to our knowledge, no
studies have been reported on CAW. However, the Department of
Science at UBC is interested in conducting controlled research studies
in combination with feed ingredients which do not produce the fully
potential, probably due to the content
of small quantities of nutritionally
The Department of Poultry Science will
prepare research proposals this Fall in hopes of obtaining sufficient
funds to determine the effect of Catalyst Altered Water on
ingredients such as
alfalfa meal and canola mean in the poultry
Not long mid-state Oregon,
a beautiful Arabian mare, got very sick. That sickness gradually
turned into paralysis in her hind quarters. Soon, the mare was
completely paralyzed. Her alarmed owners took her to Oregon State
University for tests. Too late, the light of life was dimming in
her eyes! Spinal taps and diagnosis indicated a central nervous
The myelin sheath of the spinal cord and brain were being eaten alive
blood worms! Whisper was sent home to die....The beautiful mare
also five months along with a foal.
Ellen and Hal Wilfley added four ounces
of Catalyst Altered Water to a gallon of pure water.
At dawn and dusk, two times daily, they gave Whisper a half gallon of
this "altered," normalizing water, along with the herb, comfrey.
In three days Whisper was strong enough to whinny!!!!! By the
seventh day she had bolted out of her stall and was running in the
pasture with the other horses. When the local vet saw her several
weeks later, they said they could not believe it. What should
have been a terminally ill disease had totally reversed
itself!!!! A few months later, Whisper gave birth to an
adorable foal.
Ellen and Hal Wilfley are in the business of raising Arabian horses. They say with use of the water, consumption of grain by their horses has dropped from twelve pounds to four pounds a day. The "stools" of these fine horses indicated almost 100% of the grain eaten is digested. They actually cut back their dosage of vitamins and still their animals are livelier and healthier than ever before.!!! Ellen and Hal Wilfley attest drinking Catalyst Altered Water increases the absorption pf their foods, including vitamins and minerals, from 20 to 80%!!!!! It definitely calms down an excited stallion. The skittish horse is sprayed gently on the back and chest and can be handled easily afterwards. Hal and Ellan use Catalyst Altered Water to help heal their wounds and to relieve their expensive Arabian horses of colic, which is almost always otherwise fatal!!! Uses for Dr. John Willard's water are too numerous to mention. HOWEVER, YOU CAN READ MORE IN THE SPECIAL 45 PAGE BOOKLET, PUBLISHED BY THE NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS, JULY 7, 1980, RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA.
Despite $1,100 in surgery and medical
Josephine Smith's 2-year old house cat,
Willie was wasting away with leukemia.
All the veterinarians at Michigan State
University, the state's Mayo Clinic for animals, said so. So did
sympathetic neighbors, who watched him drag himself around Mrs. Smith's
west-side Detroit home.
Mrs. Smith, 71, tirelessly nursed him
108-degree fevers.
"I was determined to get him well even
everybody had given up." she said defiantly.
Finally, she gave Willie a remedy called
Willard's Water. Two days later, she said, the fever subsided,
swelling of his spleen, and liver went down and Willie began to eat
that wasn't nailed down."
MRS. SMITH, her sister and friends now are
among the converts who are drinking the water daily for arthritis,
emphysema and assorted ills. Nothing---not even the warnings of
the Arthritia Foundation or the American Lung Association---can
persuade them that Willard's water, which was named after a South
Dakota chemist who accidentally concocted it, doesn't work.
Della Cooper, a Monroe barmaid, drinks it for her stomach ulcer and cramps in her extremities and puts it on grease burns to stop the pain, blistering and scarring.
The unique properties of Willard Water are the result of action of patented catalyst which significantly alter the molecular arrangement of the liquid water. The catalyst is a micelle that is a polysilicate polymer with the center of the negative charge near the surface. All the evidence that we have, indicates that chains of polarized water molecules radiate out from the colloidal particle. Water in these chains can penetrate openings that the molecules of water in the normal tetrahedral structure can not. The water molecules in the chain would be less stable (contain higher energy content) than normal water.
The Catalyst Altered Water should be more reactive (better than ordinary water).
The proof of this activity is demonstrated by the experimental evidence that very dilute solutions of CAW water will react with lignite and remove practically all of the aromatic (benzene) compounds such as coal tar dyes, naphthalene, phenols, etc. The CAW solution will also attack silicates, even pyrex glass.
The CAW solutions are powerful reducing
in organic chemistry. Photographs of a microscope slide of blood
containing significant amount of peroxides and free radicals
condition) show up as white dots and white spider web-like
One hour after drinking a glass of W.W. the new slide shows ONLY
It is reasonable to assume that if the
Altered Water was in the serum water that flows through the cell the
action (loss of electrons) should reinforce the electron flow in the
of the cell and the more reactive water molecules would be readily
to produce the "structured water" of Lings.
Pain is the result of damaged nerves. In a private communication from an authority on enzymes, he stated, "that when dilute catalyst altered was was sprayed on the damaged area that a film went around the damaged nerve restoring it to normal operation." Hence no pain. This phenomenon has been noted by Veterinarians.
Dr. T.W. "Wayne" Perry of Purdue University has been actively involved in the recent investigations of applications from Dr. John Willard's Carbonaceous Activated Water (CAW).
He is a professor of animal sciences at
Lafayette, Ind. University---coincidentally Willard's alma mater.
One of the investigations he conducted was
a controlled experiment
on a flock of sheep in the advanced stages
of foot rot.
Perry found that spraying the infected
area with a dilute CAW solution gave relief for from one to two weeks
and then the infections returned. Later he injected each sheep
with 2 cubic centimeters of a combiotic (a combination of penicillin
and antibiotic) and a similar amount of the dilute CAW.
"Cure was 100 per cent, "reported Willard
and Dr. Perry is prepared to state that now have a cure for foot rot."
Willard himself had an unexpected
with a 1,700 pound bull. In the advanced stage of foot rot with
infection in the leg and thigh. ANIMAL VERY WEAK
When found, the animal was very"weak and one toe on the left hind foot
was completely rotted away."
When I examined the animal, Willard said,
the foot was covered with white maggots. The animal lay on its
side and could not get up. Its eyes were glazed. I
injected (in the rump) a mixture of 5cc combiotic and 5cc
CAW/1000. I then sprayed the infected foot and leg with the
dilute CAW.
"When the CAW solution came in contact,
maggots left in a hurry as if they were in pain," Willard
"This first treatment was administered at 5:30 p.m. and at 5 a.m. the
day, the bull was sitting up like a dog, his head was up and his eyes
alert. He was trying to get up. I gave him two pails of
drank eight gallons---and some cubes which he ate. This was
morning. By Tuesday afternoon he was on his feet.
The swelling in the leg and thigh was gone
and the foot was considerably better. This rapid cure. he added,
must be evaluated with the knowledge that the rancher had been treating
the bull for seven days---by the time I was called---with a daily
injection of 10cc combiotic.
And he had sprayed the hoof with a
commercial preparation for foot rot.
I reason that the bull's system was full
antibiotic and the rapid cure was a result of the synergistic action of
CAW on a massive dose of antibiotics. The rancher continued my
treatment for 10 days and the bull was able to walk into the packing
for slaughter. Willard said, adding that treatment of foot rot
In another controlled experiment, a rancher
treated one half of his calves after branding, dehorning and castration
(where necessary) with CAW/100. Willard said. The treated calves
acted "as if they had no pain and within a week there was no sign of
The control group of calves still had scabs on the brand
and on their wounds, in some cases after six
He added that the untreated calves "went off bawling and off their feet for a time." CAW stopped any hemorrhaging. Said Willard.
He also related the experience of a veterinarian in Logansport Ind., who used CAW/100 in many "cuts, sprains and sores on animals with good results."
His most spectacular case. Willard
said was of a filly racehorse. "In her first race, which she won,
she pulled up with a bad case of splints in both front legs. She
refused to move, probably because of pain, until the vet sprayed her
with CAW. Then she walked into the horse trailer, unaided.
X-rays showed s hair-line crack in the splint bone of both legs.
Complete care followed treatment, three times a day, with CAW.
Another area of animal care in which CAW has been used of value is that
of weaning calves, Willard said.
He explained that the normal custom is to
feed dairy calves there mother's milk for the first three days and then
switch to a milk substitute. "The shock to the calf is severe and
I am told that usually a dairyman will lose 20 percent of his calves.
"We have been successful in over 100
calves by adding four liquid ounces of CAW/1000 to every four pints
of milk substitute solution.
The CAW apparently acts to relieve the
and also synergizes the antibiotic which is present in the milk
The CAW solution is discontinued after the first 24 hours unless the
become sick. Apparently the CAW micelle is retained in the
tract for a long enough period to accomplish its purpose.
He said a large beef producer weaned his
calves after five months. He added CAW in their drinking water
the first day. Willard said. This one-day treatment lasted
for three weeks and then the calves started coughing dust, pneumonia
the rancher called it. He then gave them CAW water ( a half-ounce
of CAW concentrate to 100 gallons of water) once a week thereafter
without any more trouble.
Willard added that "His (the rancher's)
and neighbor lost the usual percentage of calves."
He said he believes it was "stress factor"
but "can't prove it."
The scientist theorizes that part of CAW's apparent effectiveness is due to the widespread use if antibiotics by farmers and ranchers....almost every animal has had an injection of some kind. He theorizes that "perhaps the animals have built up a tolerance so these very antibiotics are no longer as effective. CAW---the restructured water---apparently augments the effectiveness of the antibiotic.
As Willard says, the applications multiply. CAW works, but we still don't know exactly why it works.
Read our terms and conditions of sale. |
UNIT | PRICE | 2 or MORE |
8 fl. oz | $17.95 | $15.95 |
WLL06 | WILLARD WATER XXX with Lignite Temporarily Unavailable |
8 fl. oz | $17.95 | $15.95 |
128 fl. oz | $169.95 | $150.00 |
WLL09 | WILLARD WATER XXX with Lignite - 1 Gallon | 128 fl. oz | $169.95 | $150.00 |