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ph madness

ancient raw food diet

roger bezanis face


"pH MADNESS" unravels the escalating chief component behind the lunacy that threatens to wipe mankind from the face of the Earth. So profound is this mounting evil that right now, friends and family are participating in their own demise. They do this without any awareness of the peril that surrounds them. The food and water which we believe to be healing is actually shattered chemistry altering elements that set us on cellular fire. These de-structured renegades from nature, cause severe alkalosis, acidosis and even cancer. With his writing of "ph MADNESS", Roger Bezanis has captured the minds and hearts of the planet. This tome sets the record straight regarding what acids and alkalis are down to the cellular matrix. It literally chronicles life and death as measured on the pH scale. The mighty mini-book, "pH MADNESS" punches hundreds, of million dollar holes, into a billion dollar industry, living on lies. The mega companies that produce their acid / alkaline confusions want this book to go away. With the release of "pH MADNESS", a grass roots revolution has started reshaping the water industry and all of medicine. Readers find "pH MADNESS" an affordable yet jaw dropping read of 96 power packed pages.






The Ancient Raw Food Diet (TARFD) is the complete, honest explanation of WHOLE FOOD RAW FOODISM. Bezanis compares and defines both RAW FOODISM and Conventional eating to remarkable affect. The book is profound with "Ah Ha's" on almost every page. Other books on Raw Food are weak, offering slight changes and pseudo RAW FOODS. Here, you get what you paid for, the bold face truth.  

This book says what it means, and means exactly what it says. TARFD offers the steps anyone can follow to success. This book gives you the exact diet to follow to go RAW, plus charts with tables for easy use. Its 97 pages and over 100 illustrations have the impact of 500, like a hand held college education. Author Roger Bezanis is a living example of Raw Foodism, having lived, breathed and researched this data for over 15 years.  

Because of Mr. Bezanis' tireless work, Raw Foodism is exploding worldwide to great physical and emotional success. People who were getting worse, are now improving as they are taking control of their lives and bodies. Through this book, we now have the power to control our health by what we eat on a daily basis. It is a must read instant classic.





Diagnostic Face Reading and the Holistic You, is the most comprehensive work on face reading and holistic health ever printed. Its arrival has created mass upheaval and a cleansing catharsis in American medicine. Thanks to its 66-page gallery of diagnosed photos and photographic lessons, the book is fully usable by anyone in just a few minutes. Mr. Bezanis' straight forward and easy to understand explanations guarantee his book's place, as an alternative health best seller. College, High School, Middle School and even Elementary School students instantly grasp its gifts at first glance. He fully unmasks and puts to bed the toxic American Medicine fraud raping our citizens. The blood sucking U.S. Insurance Monster, that eats 25 trillion dollars a year, is wholly dismantled and crushed in its 336 pages. This book is a must read for anyone craving the truth about modern medicine. Be part of the new revolution in American health, read Diagnostic Face Reading and the Holistic You.

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