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Unlike antibiotics which may contribute to recurrent infections Urinary Tract Control provides relief for symptoms in a natural way.
. What is a Urinary Tract Infection? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection cause by bacteria that multiply at the opening of the urethra and travel up to the bladder or to the kidney. UTIs can be caused by activities or conditions which spread bacteria to the urethra. E-coli bacteria is responsible for most of the infections in women. How Common is the Condition? Up to 60% of all women have at least one UTI in their lifetime. Men, children, and the elderly can also develop a UTI, though not as commonly as women. 25-50% of women who have had a UTI may also develop a recurrent urinary tract infection. What are the symptoms? The symptoms usually develop suddenly and may include: -the urge to urinate frequently -a painful burning sensation when urinating -a bloated feeling in the abdomen -cramping in the pelvic area or back -the urine looks cloudy or has a strong smell Some individuals may not exhibit any symptom and still have a urinary tract infection. What are the risk factors? Physical anatomy (structure of the urinary tract) of the individuals as well as lifestyle behaviors may put individuals at risk for a UTI. Frequent or recent sexual activity, recent change in sexual partners, and having a first UTI before the age of 15 are some of the risk factors for developing a UTI. Medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney problems, AIDS, sickle-cell anemia and kidney stones increase the risk for UTIs. Antibiotics may increase the risk of developing a subsequent UTI. How will Urinary Tract Control help my condition? The human body has strong natural defenses for fighting infections. When these fail Urinary Tract Control can help the body rid itself of the infection. The ingredients in Urinary Tract Control help support a healthy urinary tract system as well as relieve symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Cranberry extract and D-Mannose helps prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to cells in the urinary tract. The combination of probiotics provide healthy bacteria that hinder E.coli growth. Green tea leaf is a powerful antioxidant. Suggested Usage: For symptoms: Take 2 caps 4 times each day. Take an additional 2 capsules immediately after sex with a full glass of water. For maintenance: Take 2 caps daily at bedtime. Caution: Use only under a physician's supervision if you are taking coumadin.
2 or more
Urinary Tract Control Double Strength |
40 caps
PEK013 | Urinary Tract Control Double Strength | 180 caps | $75.95 | $69.95 |