acupressure massage tools - Acu-Ki - Back-Eze - using acupuncture principles & massage tools - acupuncture models - acupuncture charts- acupressure charts - acupuncture models
Last Updated: 12/28/16
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code: MAS510

For Deep, Effective Stimulation of Acupressure Points !

The Acu-Ki is easy to hold, and has a pointed end (#2) & a more rounded end (#3) that can be used to press acupressure points on any part of the body.
Acu-Ki Acu-Ki applied on hand

Acu-Ki Mini Pen
code: MAS525

Acu-Ki Pen
code: MAS526

click here for instructions on how to use the Acu-Ki Mini Pen & the Acu-Ki Pen.

7" StressAway
code: MAS515

Great for massaging along the spine, or up the neck and shoulders, or for that matter anywhere on the body.

12" StressAway
code: MAS517

Great for massaging along the spine, or up the neck and shoulders, or for that matter anywhere on the body.

Footsie Roller - 9"
code: MAS271

Back-Eze & Wall Mount

Great for massaging along the spine, or up the neck and shoulders, or for that matter anywhere on the body.The Back-Eze w/wall mount is a very unique massager.  If you feel the incredible need to put pressure on any point along your spine, or on your back, just mount your Back-Eze on your wall mount (which comes with mounting screws to be mounted to any wall), and presto !
There you are... able to hug your wall with gusto, and to feel great afterwards.
back eze mount back eze

Purchase a Set and SAVE Money ! AcuPressure Books and CD-ROM Order Now !

AcuPressure Media
by Monte Cunningham



AcuPressure CD
code: BK7947

The StressAway AcuPressure CD contains a 282 page book on acupressure & 234 pages on ailments & illustrations of corresponding acupressure points that may assist those ailments, as indicated through experiences by Monty Cunningham.

AcuPressure Books
AcuPressure:  Ancient Wisdom for Modern Day Healing
How to Activate Your Healing Response /
An Alternative to Medication and Surgery

by Monte Cunningham

code: BK7940
acu ki book

This book includes a journey to wholeness that you may experience, Featuring pictorial explanations of the acupressure points that relate to the ten conditions most reported as problems in their research surveys. Included in this book are amazing pictures of how the ear acupuncture points, and the feet and hand acupuncture points are related to mappings of the body into the ear and into the feet.

From a mathematical viewpoint, Monte demonstrates beautiful 1-1 isomorphism.
From a layman's viewpoint, you will find amazing drawings that illustrate the acupressure
 and reflexology principles that many are now discovering as they learn to find alternative
solutions to reversing pain and health problems or simply becoming healthier individuals.

AcuPressure Recipes
A Handbook for Pressure Point Healing
by Monte Cunningham

code: BK794
acu recipe book
  You will find pictures of each of the 13 acupuncture meridian charts. Go to each chart, and the acu-point is listed on a chart, as well as a description of how to find that point, and how to use the Acu-Ki on that point.

For Example:
Looking up Asthma in the AcuPressure Recipes book,
8 acupressure points are suggested:

LU7, Li4, C16, LU5, ST36, UB13, K1, & GB20.

(These points indicate the Meridian, and then the meridian point,
i.e. LU7 stands fro Lung Meridian, pt. #7)

For Example:                     - large intestine

To find Li4, you look at the meridian chart of the Large Intestine,
pictured above, the point Li4 is at the base of the thumb indicated with a large dot on the chart above.
Use the Acu-Ki to apply pressure to that point.
According to Acupuncture/Acupressure principles, you may attain relief of your asthma symptoms,  and may get to the root cause of the problem, by helping balance that meridian & that point. 

The AcuPressure Comprehensive Index
by Monte Cunningham

code: BK7941
acu pressure book
Contains a more detailed list (40 pages) of symptoms, and also includes the 3 major acupuncture
 pictures (front, side, back),
indicating the 13 meridians.
monte cunningham    description of Monte Cunningham

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ACU-KI Sets & Kits

Acu-Ki Set
code: MAS511
Includes: Acu-Ki + 1 Book
1 - Acu-ki
1 - Ancient Wisdom Book

acu-ki   acu-ki set
Besides demonstrating how to use the Acu-Ki in the book, it also includes some very unique pictures
 pointing out the reflex points of the foot & ear, as well as other unique photos of both
body & spine mapped onto the feet and ear.
Acu-Ki Mini Kit
code: MAS521
Includes: 2 Tools + 2 Books

1 - Acu-Ki
1 - 7 inch "StressAway"
1 - Ancient Wisdom Book
1 - Recipes Book

Acu-Ki Deluxe Mini Kit
code: MAS522
Includes: 3 Tools + 2 Books
1 - Acu-ki
1 -
Acu-Ki Pen
1 - 7" StressAway Roller
1 - Ancient Wisdom Book
1 - Recipes Book    

Acu-Ki acu ki pen

Acu-Ki Deluxe Kit
code: MAS528
Includes: 5 Tools + 2 Books
1 - Acu-Ki
1 - Acu-Ki Mini Pen
1 - Acu-Ki Pen
1 - Alder Wood Footsie Roller
1 - 12" StressAway Roller
1 - Ancient Wisdom Book
1 - Recipes Book


Acu-Ki Super Deluxe Kit
comes with CD
code: MAS529
$89.55 value
Includes 5 Tools + 2 Books + CDROM:
1 - Acu-Ki
1 - Acu-Ki Mini Pen
1 - Acu-Ki Pen
1 - Footsie Roller
1 - 12" StressAway Roller
1 -
Ancient Wisdom Book
1 -  Recipes Book
1 - Stressaway Acupressure CD

The Acu-Ki Super Deluxe Kit, released in 2005 is the ultimate in Acupressure information and tools.

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More Acupressure / Acupuncture Products

acupuncture chart - 46 x 22
Laminated Acupuncture
Chart Page  !

Acupuncture Models
Page !

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MAS510  Acu-Ki
MAS525 Acu-Ki Mini Pen
MAS526  Acu-Ki Pen
MAS515 StressAway - 7" Roller
MAS517 StressAway - 12" Roller
MAS271  Wood Foot Roller Footsie

MAS512 Back-Eze Wall Kit with Wall Mount DISCONTINUED
BK7940 Book- Ancient Wisdom for Modern Day Healing 
BK794 Book- Recipes, A Handbook for Pressure Point Healing 
BK7941 AcuPressure Book-Comprehensive Index 
See Acupressure CD-ROM - BK7947

BK7947 AcuPressure CD-ROM contains 282 page book & 234 pages Acu info
MAS511  Acu-Ki Set (Acu-Ki + Book)
MAS521 Acu-Ki Mini Kit  - (2 Tools + 2 Books) - $33.80 value
MAS522 Acu-Ki Deluxe Mini Kit  - (3 Tools + 2 Books)  -  $39.75 value
MAS528 Acu-Ki Deluxe Kit   - (5 Tools+ 2 Books)  -  $57.65 value
MAS529 Acu-Ki Super Deluxe Kit  - (5 Tools + 2 Books + CD-ROM) - $82.60 value
Acupuncture Charts - Set of 4  - 46" x 22" - $140.00 value