Click here to go to an
information Page on Piezo Stimulators:
Including FAQ and testimonials
Generates a low electronic pulse.
* Used by Chiropractors, Medical Doctors, and Health Professionals.
* Safe to use - no side effects & no pain!
* Needs no battery.
* Lasts approximately three years.
Technology with Acupuncture Therapy...
The Piezo
works like Acupuncture - but without the needles! The Piezo
devices were studied by many Japanese scientists and
physicians who also studied bio-electricity
(the close relationship between the human body and
electricity). Faint but measurable amounts of electricity are
produced by the heart, the brain, even by individual cells, as well as
by muscular contraction.
Chinese acupuncture treatment is based on stimulating specific areas of
the body with needles to generate electric current for relieving
pain. The Piezo devices do the same thing without
Simply place the broad tip of the Piezo LT or the Piezo DX on the
sensitive area and press a button (at the top) several
times. With
each press, your nervous system is stimulated - as with acupuncture -
to help relieve aching muscles. No batteries or AC current is
needed. The Piezo devices use electric-pressure sparking
that used in electronic lighters) to create a low electronic pulse
that's painless, yet effective.
It stands to reason that stimulation by weak voltaic current is most
fundamental and effective for everyday life activity and Chinese
acupuncture treatment is based on this principle. Upon
stimulation like piercing with needles, bio-electrical charge can be
stimulated areas and electric current will be generated.
this method, various problems like low back pain, numbness and stiff
shoulders can be relieved. All those therapeutic electronics
are based
on the electric current principle.
One can
use the Piezo LT or the Piezo DX, or the Piezo Jr. for stiff
shoulders, neuralgia, headaches, stress, insomnia, joint-pain or tennis
elbow, as well as any other conditions of disease of the body.
of the Piezo...
nearly 15 years a Japanese Medical Doctor, Dr. Takeyoshi Yamaguchi,
studied the close
between electricity and the human body as part of his interest in
combining ancient Oriental medical practices with modern Western
medical techniques. The result was the invention of the Piezo.
three years of the
introduction of this Piezo in Japan, 8,000 units are sold each month.
Many users in Japan are chiropractors and medical doctors.
to Dr. Takeyoshi Yamaguchi, electricity is produced throughout the body
organs such as the
heart, the brain and each individual cell. The body also generates voltaic
current by
muscular contraction and neural stimulation. Such current is utilized for
electrocardiogram and brain-wave tests. This phenomenon is called bioelectricity.
so faint that you can hardly feel it. Nevertheless, it plays a very
role in maintaining human life.
Acupuncture treatment
is based on the principles that diseases
are caused by the wrong
circulation of energy, and the the stimulation of weak voltaic current
fundamental and
effective for everyday life. It is claimed that piercing with
can generate such current and relieve pain in the lower back, numbness,
shoulders, and other problems. These two principles are the
mother &
father of the Piezo needless acupuncture device.
The thirteen meridians within the human body...
meridians are such that if they are in balance, and they are then
triggered - nothing happens. When they are out of balance,
too hyper or too sluggish), that triggering can then create a change
and balance that meridian's energy.
The purpose of the Piezo is to normalize the acupuncture
meridians. If the meridian energy flow is sluggish, the Piezo
will be a catalyst to speed it up, and if the energy flow in the
meridian is too hyper, the Piezo can slow it down. The goal
is to
have the flow of 'energy' of each meridian in the
body be
in a state of balance. When this is not the case, according to Chinese
Acupuncture theory, then their is "Dis-Ease" in the body.
certain spots on the
body, chiropractors find that piezo massager is more
than regular massaging. Eastern medecine practitioners use it
to relieve stiff
shoulders, tiredness, sleeping problems.
Piezo Device is
easy to use and never causes any pain. All you have to do is
place the face of the instrument on an area to be treated and press the
push button on the opposite end 6 to 12 times for the area.
time you press, they say that your nervous system is stimulated and the
aches in your muscles are relieved.
does the Piezo work?
simply clicking the Piezo
on any part of the body, (i.e. around a painful muscle or area of the
body) several
times... you are bound to hit some of the Acupuncture Meridians.
Often the pain will
You can do this on your self, or someone else can do this on you. A
having someone do it on you is that the other person can
ground you by
putting their finger
on one part of the body, and then clicking the Piezo on another part:
you will then feel the electric charge on both parts of the body
(where their finger
is, or where the
Piezo clicked) and feel the pathway between the two spots.
The Piezo can be clicked directly on the skin or over light clothing.
It is advisable to
use the Piezo 2-3
times a day on the same areas of the body.
A prickly
electric sensation is
usually experienced by the body.
I need to
know Acupuncture for the Piezo to work?
not necessary to study acupuncture to use the Piezo. It is
helpful look at the Acupuncture Meridian charts simply because it is good information
to know about.
However, the Piezo was created for use that simply requires locating
the spot you want to stimulate and clicking away.
wonderful benefits and healing powers of the Piezo
reveal themselves with use and time.
Perhaps you have a pain that you find disappears with 20 clicks of your
Piezo, but then the
pain returns in an hour, yet with another session of clicks you find
the pain disappears for 2-3 hours, After a few months,
you may not need to use
it but every 2-4 weeks.
For certain
spots of the body, many Health Professionals find the Piezo more
effective than regular
It can be used on stiff
tiredness, sleeping problems, and other situations that cannot be
defined with names. Pressing 6 to 12 times is a good measure for
working out situations.
They say that your nervous system
stimulated and the
aches in your muscles are relieved,
that the Piezo
works to restore disordered functions to normal.
the Piezo safe?
Just like Acupuncture, or
Acupressure, this
product is entirely safe.
Its purpose is to
normalize the Acupuncture Meridians.
If the meridian energy flow is
sluggish, the
Piezo will be a catalyst to speed it up,
if the energy flow in the
meridian is too hyper, the Piezo can slow it down.
Basically the Piezo
normalizes the flow of 'energy'
within the meridians in the body.
According to Chinese Acupuncture theory, "out of balance"
meridians can cause physical
difficulties with particular organs of the bodies associated with
specific Meridian Lines which flow
through the body.
For information on
Meridians &
Click here to go to the main Acu-Ki
Quartz Crystal?
The Piezo
works with a quartz
crystal, much in the same way that a watch works.
It needs no batteries, nor electricity. It generates a low electronic
long does the Piezo last
The Piezo is guaranteed to last
three years,
although it may last up to 10 years.
Clicking on a body part will let
the unit
last longer,clicking it into thin air will help dissipate the energy,
and it will not last as long. If and when it quits working,
throw it
away, and give us a call. We will be glad to sell you
another unit.
We offer a one year warranty under normal usage.
the circulation of the blood
* To power up antiphlogistic as it increases the number of blood
* To resist inflammation - antiphogistic
* To increase life power along with activated adrenal
* To adjust an autonomic nerve system
* To encourage the recovery spontaneously from illness
A note from
Phil Wilson
Owner of Momentum98
again, I have demonstrated this product on people in my store
or at my booth during my traveling at Expos, and they
are amazed when the pain disappears. This
doesn't happen all of the time, but many people are so close to being
put into a balanced state that the Piezo works instantaneously for them.
The Piezo may
be able to do this
for you. If used consistently, it can further eliminate pain
& other imbalances in the body.
on TV...
Recently, a mini device,
called an
Acu-Stimulator appeared on TV, as part of an
infomercial. I have seen this device before
- they are not nearly the quality of the Piezo Acupuncture Devices that
we carry.
Introducing The New Piezo

This is a brand new model of
the Piezo Deluxe. This sturdy, well-built pen uses the energy
of earth crystals to generate a galvanic signal which releases
electrically charged energy into the point or area being treated. The
activation button is pressed to produce a mild energy pulse. No
batteries required. The
Piezo Deluxe may be used with or without the cap. The cap may
removed to expose a deeper stimulating head. Features a gold-plated
electrode tip. Japanese quality.
MAS410 -
Piezo Lite Currently Unavailabvle
The Piezo Lite has a portable and durable,
4.8"x 0.6" diameter pencil like shape. Weighs 37 grams (1.3 oz).
Features a stylish, plated head, black anodized body, and gold plated
electrode tip.
MAS411 - Piezo Deluxe Currently
This deluxe model stimulator has a chrome ring,
makes it feel heavier and look more attractive and professional. People
who like the feel of a healing device which is a little heavier prefer
the DX. Weighs 1.5 oz. It's small enough to put into a pocket and purse
and can be taken anywhere and used anytime with satisfying results.
Both of these models are
exactly the same, except for the Chrome Ring on
the Deluxe model.
They have the same output of electrical charge.
This unit has a much
lighter electrical
charge than the originals.
If the charge on the other units is too much for you,
this one offers the same benefits with a mild
See immediately below for Piezo Acu-Point Stimulator
mild charge).
carry case and extra battery
For a more mild, gentler
The Piezo Acu-Point Stimulator is
more gentle
than the Piezo Lite and the Piezo Deluxe,
with about two-thirds the strength.
The Electro-Puncture Massager is a safe
and natural
method to control chronic pain and acute discomfort. Not drugs, no
needles, no side effects. Just relief... great for stiff and sore
joints, headaches, muscle tension and back strain.
How does it work?
Self-activating crystals create a tiny, harmless electrical charge that
stimulates your body's natural pain-blocking mechanism. When applied
correctly, this amazing device provides quick and effective relief.
The Electro-Puncture Massager is based on fundamentals of traditional
Chinese acupuncture. Use it as often as you like to stimulate the
acupuncture and acupressure points throughout your body.
Tips for results:
1. Hold in either hand, and use you index finger or thumb to activate
the plunger.
2. No need to press down hard. A light touch to the skin is all it
takes. If you don't get the desired results, repeat the process.
3. Direct relief to the precise area you want by using the
Electro-Puncture Massager's large point for neck, shoulders, back and
knees; the smaller point is ideal for earlobes, elbows, hands and feet.
4. When treating a partner, place the index finger of your other hand
within 3-12 inches from the device, then activate the plunger.
5. Do not let the hand that is holding the Electro-Puncture Massager
touch the skin as this could direct the current to the wrong area.
Always try to keep the Massager perpendicular to the body when
activating the plunger.
Helps to
relieve the pain of:
*Sports Injuries
*Carpal Tunnel
*Muscle Aches
*Stiff Joints
Comes with
Acupoint Book and Reach
Unconditionally guaranteed and safe.
High regarded by Health Care Professionals.