Fibromyalgia Relief Restimonials
Rejuvenates and Helps Fibromyalgia
It rejuvenated me. I was having pain in my lower back and shoulders and I’ve been walking for quite a while so now I feel really energized. The pain has subsided. I don’t feel it in 5 minutes in the Relax Sauna. It really helps. I have fibromyalgia and all my muscles ache pretty much all the time. Sitting in that just affected pretty much my whole body. It relaxed my whole body so I was really grateful. I could really feel my blood circulating. I started sweating in just 5 minutes. That was really good. I love the fact that it is portable. It is very nice to have it in your home. I have problems with sleep apnea and insomnia right now.. I can do it just before bed.
I’ve had to drive 2 hours a day. By the time I get home, I am exhausted. I am in pain. So this is perfect. I can have it with me. I understand that there is mold that grows in wooden saunas. It defeats the purpose in detoxifying. - Rachael She purchased the Relax Sauna. – Jan. 28 2013
Far infared sauna relieves arthritis and fibromyalgia
It was fantastic. I suffer from fibromyalgia and severe arthritis. With these few minutes of infrared heat I feel release. I feel pain free right now and I am able to stand here and give you this testimony. It’s been a wonderful experience. I look forward to hopefully purchasing one for my own home use. - Cindy
Fibromyalgia relief with the Relax Sauna
Amanda was recommended to use the Relax sauna by a woman who had fibromyalgia. She said that it helped considerably with her fibromyalgia but Amanda didn't believe that it would help with hers. However she was convinced to try the sauna herself. She described her pain as a constant, throbbing, shooting pain at about a level of eight. After using the sauna for 7 or 8 minutes, she said that she felt relaxed and that the pain was gone. She felt wonderful and will be getting one for her home.
Doctor, Author, Lectures on TV and Radio REALLY LOVES the Sauna
Tony is a natural doctor and an herbalist. He has a doctorate in clinical psychology, is the author of 15 books on health and owns a superfood line. He is very aware of holistic health.
He got a Relax sauna about a year ago because he is so obviously into health! “I want to stay as healthy as possible.” He does a lot of lecturing and radio and television. “I wanted to live as good as possible and stay lean and fit and I started using it and I could not believe the action I got!” He sweated like crazy for the first 25 minutes. He had used other saunas for up to an hour before but did not feel the benefits he felt by using the Relax far infrared sauna.
He loves it. He feels better, sleeps better and has less discomfort. He had an injury about a year ago. He fell about 5200 feet when he was hiking in Sedona and injured his hip. He took the natural route of healing himself rather than using excessive amounts of drugs.
He has been using the sauna a couple of times a week but Phil’s staff suggested he use it everyday so will be starting to do that. He sweats, is leaner, is fitter, healthier and his skin has improved dramatically! It is making the liver work much more effectively and the whole lymphatic system work much more effectively. It’s improving his health and is getting those toxins out!
“That is what we all need to do, get the toxins out, get the lead out, get the mercury out, get the waste matter out of our body and in so doing - that is when true health really happens.”
He had used other saunas is in the past but, “you don't really feel that much”. Those other saunas took too long to heat up, whereas this one heats up instantly. It’s lightweight, portable, he can take it with him anywhere and it really does the job.
He grew up as a farm boy in a family of 11 in Ireland, lost a lot of family members to cancer and heart disease and realized, ” there's got to be a better way.” He turned to organic farming and is helping people to discover what quality living is all about. He now teaches the true essence about “you are what you eat” and you become what you think about all day long. You’ve got to make better choices.
He is at the Answer for Cancer Conference in San Diego filled with doctors and cancer patients who know that there is something abundantly wrong with our food and the choices we make on a daily basis. Our food is not like it was 40 to 100 years ago. Organic farming is almost nonexistent now. We live on boxed foods, genetically modified foods and copious amounts of drugs. We don't exercise enough, drink enough water or take in enough fiber. We take in too many soft drinks. We are a mess. We smoke. We’re a disaster - a certain segment of our population. It's time that we become more mindful, more aware of the choices that we make on a daily basis.
He believes in detoxification, which is nothing new and has been written about for thousands of years. Native Americans use sweat lodges, saunas are used in Germany and all over Europe.
The Relax sauna is remarkable because it creates a level of sweating that allows you to to get rid of those toxins. This releases the debris that is preventing your body from being able to breathe. The body cannot breathe (become oxygenated) when it is filled with toxins, debris and excess waste matter. The root cause of most illness and disease in this country Is systemic toxicity and poor nutrition.
He always tells his patients to be sure and hydrate before, during and after using the sauna. They will sleep magnificently. They will feel better and they will definitely see a difference in their skin, nails and hair. “Why? Because it is providing oxygenation. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.” The Nobel prize was won for this back in 1939, 1941.
This is an easy way, a simple way, an affordable way, a safe way and a non-invasive way for you to get healthy, to get lean, get fit and allow yourself a better quality of life.
That is what detoxification is all about. “That is why I love this system. I really do.”
He had mentioned that he does a lot television and when they go to put makeup on for the show they say he doesn't need any because his skin is flawless. He gets daily compliments on the quality of his skin. Phil mentioned that he does, as well. Using the sauna to provide oxygenation to the blood, gives a great glow to the skin. People ask him if he has been in the sun and he tells them, no, he has been in the sauna.
He uses the sauna, exercises (Pilates and yoga), drinks lots of water, eats fruits and vegetables and eats live organic raw superfoods, which you will find on his website You will find all of his books there. Phil commented that he loves promoting people who love the Relax sauna.
Tony says we get to pass this way but once and it's important to do meaningful things, not only for our own lives, but for the lives of other people, to pay it forward, give back, help each other out, help people live a better quality of life and share information. If you like something and it really works for you, why not tell other people? He generally does not endorse anything unless he really believes in it, sees the people behind it and sees for himself if it actually works.
He lost his fiancée and many family members to cancer and it breaks his heart to see so many people losing their health due to lack of understanding, dysbiosis and not eating the right food. We think our food is good for us when in fact it is not. Our food is now tainted and some people say there is more fiber in the box then you're getting in the contents. We need to get back to the basics like eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, really being mindful and not forgetting meditation and prayer, joy, connection, health and happiness and laughing!
He really recommends the sauna and he demonstrates how easy it is to use. He says there is no excuse for not being healthy in the greatest country of the world. We have abundance. Make sure you make really good choices!
Far Infrared and Fibromyalgia - Hyperthyroid - Relax Sauna Testimonial
This lady has had the Relax Far Infrared Sauna for 2 years based on a recommendation of her sister. She had a lot of aches and pains from fibromyalgia and when she does it every other day there are none. “it heats to her inner core muscle.” She is also hyperthyroid and her average body temperature is 96°. When she uses the sauna, her body temperature goes up to 98.6°. “if the motor on that thing died I would eat peanut butter for a month until I could afford to buy another. It is that amazing.” “And I come out of there with energy!”
Relax Sauna helps Fibromyalgia
Cecilia and Francesca talk about the relax sauna. Francesca says, “I have the slight beginnings of epilepsy. My body is always stiff. I can’t sleep either. It hurts to exercise and I always feel super cloudy and disorientated. I’ve been in here for what, 15 minutes? And I already feel so much better. My body is not as stiff as it has been the last couple of months. I feel like a boulder has been lifted off my back. It’s perfect! “ – Francesca at Momentum 98 Natural Health Store – July 5, 2013.
A Written Testimonial
Fibromyalgia Pain Gone, Flexibility for Back Pain Sufferer, and Feeling Good !
Bonus Conclusion After Much Research: Relax Sauna ONLY Quality Sauna.
I bought your FIR Relax Sauna at the Universal Light Expo in Oct 2010 and it has been a Godsend for me. I suffer from fibromyalgia and this sauna has helped me beyond measure. I have been a police officer for many years and this sauna has also helped lower my stress level after a day on the road. You have no idea how great I feel after 1/2 hour in this sauna. Since I am so relaxed when I come out of the sauna my sleep at night is better than it has been in years. It amazes me the amount of sweat that pours from the body from a truly "deep" sweat. This sauna just doesn't touch the surface, but goes deep and you can feel it.
I did much research on different saunas and this one is by far the "only" quality sauna I found. I am at the Expo in October every year and last year the only thing I cared about coming home with was this sauna. Nothing else at the show compared !!!!
My nephew has had numerous back surgeries due to injuries he sustained in Iraq and the Gulf war. He could not bend to touch his toes and when he was over one day sat in my sauna. He was amazed on how good he felt after he got out, and teared up when he could actually bend over and touch his toes.
Unfortunately, the VA will not approve a sauna for him (even though it is listed as a medical device) so he and his wife will have to save some to hopefully buy one for him. So he gets over to my house when he can to use mine.
So we BOTH thank you !!!! Please feel free to use my name, etc. for your website if you need to. And again, me and my body (and my nephew’s body) THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!! / M.P. / Ohio, April23, 2011