by Phillip Wilson
I really do not advocate that. At least NOT until you have
tried the Relax Sauna for a few weeks, and find you
don't need them anymore. Even then, I don't like throwing
anything away, so you might like to just put them in an
old closet, or drawer, and hopefully you won't feel the need to
use them any more. After a few years of non-use, then you can
reconsider your decision on whether or not to keep them...
do hear that sleeplessness is quite a malady in the United
States. And this is sad, in one sense. I have
been blessed with an ability to sleep almost anywhere
anytime. I can meditate myself to sleep 99.9% of the
time. (Like the Persian rugs, I have had about 2-3
situations in my adult life where I did have trouble
sleeping, probably to keep me from thinking I am
superhuman, or to keep me humble, as well as to have a
clue what some people go through regularly, so that I
could have a little bit more understanding and compassion for
their situation.)
all come into this life with certain obstacles to overcome, as a
challenge to help us grow. It's almost like solving exercises in
the back of a chapter of a mathematics book. We feel very
confident when we can solve all of those problems. And so it is
in life, as we are able to maneuver ourselves through bumps in the road
of our life, we start feeling better about ourselves, and more
confident in our abilities to handle most situations that we find
ourselves in. Some of us have been given the obstacle of
overcoming sleeping problems.
People say the Relax Sauna helps
with Sleeping Problems !
has come to my attention, going to many expos over the years, promoting
and selling a particular brand of Far Infrared Sauna (called Relax
Sauna), that people are not just commenting how wonderful that they
feel, just by being in the saunas for 5-8 minutes, but that
many are telling me that being in the sauna for those 5 minutes are
making a big difference in their ability to sleep.
Two days ago was the last straw on that. We have a health food
store in Columbus, and we invite our customers to try the sauna.
And I have told many people who don't quite have the funds to purchase
the sauna, that they can come in every day if they want and use the
sauna for 5-10 minutes, or even longer if they want.
as a result of our offer, we do have a few customers who come in every
few weeks and use the sauna. One particular lady has
come into the store maybe 3-5 times a week for the last 3-4
weeks. I met her for the first time 2 days ago, as we were all
chatting at our checkout desk about the stirwands, and everything else
that we have. We were encouraging another customer to also try
the sauna after this lady came out after her session. It usually
takes about 8 minutes to sweat, so many people get into the sauna (the
head sticks out), and only stay in 5-10 minutes, so that they don't
sweat too much, since in our store, they always wear their
clothes. A good many of our customers allow themselves to
sweat just a little, although many get out before they start
sweating. We leave it up the customer to decide when they
have had enough. Some people feel soooo good, they don't care if
they sweat a tad.
Lady uses Sauna in our Store for
just 10 minutes, and Wow !
we were talking, this lady started telling us about how she sleeps
so well every night after she comes into our store and uses the sauna,
and does not have to take any sleeping aids at all. When
she doesn't come into the store to use the sauna, she usually finds she
has trouble sleeping, and has to take something to allow herself to
sleep. (She also pointed out a lot of other benefits she was
deriving from the sauna as well, which is why she initially started
using the sauan, one of them to avoid surgery, another the healing
of scars.)
Lady uses sauna for 15 minutes ... Best Sleep Ever in a hotel !
it dawned on me ... I had not been noticing all of the radar of
the many reports I had been hearing over the years about how much the
Relax sauna had been helping people with their sleeping. For
example, we had sold a sauna at a show in Cincinnati this last
October. I helped the lady take her sauna up to her hotel
room. She came back the next morning, and raved about how she did
the sauna for just 15 minutes before she went to bed, and had the best
sleep she has ever had in a hotel. And now I remember again
about a lady from Seattle who tried the Relax Sauna in Denver at a
show we were doing there in May. I remember her comment as well,
about how she had a particular problem sleeping in hotels always.
Never fails. Some particular problem, not sure exactly what
it was, maybe some kind of leg cramping, not quite sure. After
using our Sauna for just those 5-10 minutes at our booth, she did not
have this problem the next 2 nights. This was the first time in
15 years of traveling she did not have that problem. She tried
the sauna again for 5-10 minutes, and the next day ended up buying
a sauna, as she was so ecstatic about the results she was getting.
I'm Starting to Recognize the Relaxing
effect of the Relax Sauna !
am starting to put 2 and 2 together now. (After all, I did get a
degree in mathematics.) A friend of mine slept a few
nights on my Far Infrared Bed (made also by the Relax Sauna
company). She commented how she slept so well, and that she woke
up with no back pain two nights in a row. The Relax Far
Infrared Bed has a 150 watt far infrared radiator inside the bed,
surrounded by air, and water. So the bed is slightly warm,
as it generates the constant far infrared light as you sleep, or lie on
the bed. This little radiator can also be purchased from
us. It is called a lovely panda, and generates 150 watts of FIR
energy. It is gente, and very soothing, and by itself can get rid
of aches and pains. Another version of this is the goose-neck
200-watt FIR Table Lamp. We also have a professional model
version of this, which generates 800 watts of FIR Light Energy, and
which has been used to heal in one particular case a large diabetic
ulcer 2.5 " x 1.5" within 7 weeks using it 20 minutes a day.
we do shows, probably the most common comment we get is that people
feel really, really, really, RELAXED. When we gave a
talk at one of the shows in Chicago or wherever we were,
we put 3 people into the Sauna while we were giving the talk,
and the 1st 2 had identical comments, when we asked them how they
felt. WoooONNNNDERFUL. I also received an email earlier
this week from a retired police officer who got one at our store on
Sunday. He used about twice as many letters in the word
Wonderful in the comment he emailed us, as I just wrote right
No Pain anymore, either - after 1 day
of use in home !
or course, at least 3-5 people every show are totally amazed that
their pain goes away. One lady who bought a sauna from us at the
Cancer Control Society Convention that they have in LA every Labor Day
weekend, was so excited that she called me up the next morning to tell
me that all her pain had gone away. This is the same lady who had
previously bought another far infrared sauna a year before that, and
never got that kind of relief. But she knew something was special
on Saturday night when she experienced so much pain relief that
evening. So on Sunday morning, when she did it again, that's when
I received her phone call with as I said, continued success.
I guess, what I am saying here is that, since sleeping problems has
never really been an issue for me personally, I have always overlooked
this tremendous benefit that many have reported to me. It just
didn't have a place in my way of looking and viewing the world. I
guess I had to be knocked on the head a few times to realize the import
of what was being reported to me.
is very heartwarming to get so many wonderful responses ab out sleeping
and other benefits. One lady who had been in an accident came
into the store. We suggested she get into the sauna for 5
minutes. We suggested she come to our store again,
anytime. Well, she took us up on it, came back a few weeks later,
and even brought a change of clothes, and some sweats, and got into the
sauna for about 15 minutes. She got some real good
sweating in. Not only that ... She then started crying
because for the first time in 4 months since her accident, she wasn't
experiencing any pain.
Healing Light - Medicine of
the Future !
Lieberman, an eye doctor, wrote a book, entitled: Light:
the Future. It took me about 3 years to
realize that even though we cannot see the Far Infrared Light, it
is still light, and then I had a big "ahah", about how the far
infrared light is a big part of that healing light that is the medicine
of the future.
Infrared Light energy is becoming more and more popular. We have
been selling the Relax Far Infrared Saunas (they have a sit-up version,
and a lie-down version) now for about 5 years. The Relax
Sauna is the only portable sauna that has a semi-conductor chip that
has a computer program embedded in it that filters out all of the
non-healing energies, so that you get a full dose of the far infrared
light, which penetrates the skin about 1-2 inches. The Relax
Sauna also has a reflecting tent (even thought we cannot see the Far
Infrared Light (sometimes abreviated as FIR), it is still reflected,
and so we absorb this light into our bodies from all the nooks and
crannies of the tent. The far infrared light effects the water
molecules in your body by exciting them. They then start
vibrating and contract, so as to sort of squeeze out the waste products
and toxins embedded in their molecular structures. The toxins are
then carried by the lymphatic system out of the body through
sweating. This sweat (from the Relax Sauna) has been measured,
and compared to regular sweat from a workout or from a regular
(Finnish) Sauna that uses the hot rocks, and there are so many toxins
in this Relax Sauna Sweat that are NOT present in the other sweat.
After 4 years of selling this sauna it finally dawned on me, it is NOT
the heat, but the LIGHT that is doing the healing. (In the movie,
The Medicine Man, starring Sean Connery, at the end of the story,
he is yelling to these explorers who were searching for healing herbs
to cure some kind of ailment, the answer they needed to hear: "It's the
Bugs... " (The nutrients they were looking for were in the
bugs, not the plants.) So again, It's the Light, not the heat.
Infrared Light is absorbed into the body, and increases the core
temperature of the body. This is why the Mayo Clinic in 1994
pointed out that although regular saunas are contraindicative for heart
patients, they were recommending Far Infrared Saunas to their heart
patients as a therapy.
Relax Sauna works in 1/2 the time
of FIR Wooden Saunas !
a little history about how the Sauna works, and I guess, quite a few
stories. For more detailed information go to our website:,
our store in Columbus, Ohio. Anyone is welcome to come
into our store and try the sauna for 5-8 minutes. Many
massage therapists, naturopathic physicians, Spas, and chiropractors
have these in their offices, and charge about $35 - $55 for
20-30 minute sessions. We are compiling a list of places where
you can get a Relax Sauna Sweat. There is one place in
Philadelphia that told me a funny story. She asked her client how
many minutes she wanted to stay in the sauna, and she said, "Why 45
minutes, of course, that is what it always takes across town at this
other place." The lady who owned the spa, shook her head, and
said OK ... However, she did come back in 20 minutes, and the
lady said, "Wow, I have had enough ! I cannot believe it
only took 20 minutes." This same lady in the Philly area
told me that she had 2 clients who had diabetic ulcers on their legs
all disappear after 2 treatments a week for 2 months, and told me 2
other incredible stories about clients of her, one of whom used to
have hepatitis C, and now does not after using the Relax Sauna for 2
Very Happy (Double Happy) Massage
Therapists !
therapists who use the Sauna in their offices, and who have their
clients go into the sauna for 10 minutes before they are given a
massage, have reported to me how they are able to give a much
thorough and effective massage in 1/2 the time after their clients are
in the sauna for just 5-10 minutes. One massage therapist
described their bodies as like butter melting in a microwave.
Another massage therapist from the Detroit area got a Sauna
from us at a show, and called us on the following Wednesday, with
such a glowing report about what she was able to do with so many
of her clients, as well as letting us know that 3 of
them were so impressed, they wanted saunas, as well.
Relax Sauna Technology Listed with
FDA as a medical Device !
could go on and on, and on in reporting the many benefits that we have
heard from those who have bought the Relax Saunas from us, and from
those just trying it at shows, or in our store. We have
even sold a number of these saunas to those who already had other
brands of far infrared Saunas that were not doing for them what
they expected. These people were able to get results from the
Relax Sauna, that they were not getting. The Relax Sauna uses a
PATENTED ceramic semi conductor chip that is able to filter out all of
the non-healing energies, so that only Far Infrared Light (which is the
only light that you can absorb into your body, since it is the only
light that matches the energy we ourselves, as light beings, emit.) is
emitted and absorbed into our bodies. All other light energies
cannot be absorbed by our bodies (near infrared, ultraviolet,
microwave, cosmic rays, etc.) and are all naturally resisted
by us, and hence cause tension, and can even cause suntan or
sunburn. Because we are not subjected to any of these other
kinds of light energies, we can spend all of our time absorbing
the healing light, and not having to unconsciously fend ourselves from
the other non-absorbing light energies. (This isn't too different
from listening to music with high quality speakers, with no static, and
also with no other music playing in the background, or people chatting
nearby, as well. All of those are distractions which can prevent
you from absorbing and appreciating the music you are listening to.)
Buy A Relax Far Infrared Sauna
msrp: $2000.00 USD
retail: $1500.00 USD
order now
in conclusion if you are not sleeping well, and have to use sleep aids,
or even sleeping pills, then consider getting a relax sauna, and you
can marvel at your new found ability to sleep well, and to truly
Relax. And you might also find some other benefits as well.
You can contact us in Columbus at 800/533-4372, or can find out
more information about the relax sauna at our website:
are a therapist or health professional and would like to make
the services of the relax sauna available to your clients, please also
contact us so we can arrange for you to have one of these in your